We have had some great holiday celebrations. On New Year's Day we had a wonderful dinner with friends and family. Then we sang Happy Birthday to my brother Steve and my sister Tammy - no they aren't twins.

I don't know what it means - if anything - but it's an odd phenomena in our family. We have a lot of multiple birthdays without any twins. My oldest son (Jake) and my youngest daughter (Kara) have the same birthday too. And even my husband and I have the same birthday. On the bright side, it cuts down on the cakes I have to bake. :)
This is one cake I baked. We call it "lagekage" which is Danish and should be pronounced "Lauh Kay". And "lauh" is like "now".
Then we opened Christmas presents. My sister gave me this beautiful painting.

And I gave Serena a cute bracelet/necklace combo present.

Our extended family holiday celebrations were postponed due to weather. It was the worst snow storm in my lifetime (as far as I can remember) and it hit just before Christmas.
We didn't really mind because it was nice to stay home and have a quiet Christmas with the kids but we missed Steve and Tammy's birthday party. So, we had a little catching up to do.
Now we're all caught up and ready to move on - so we had to party like it was 2009. Oh . . ., wait, it is.
Time flies!
Lovely family you have there, Kim!
We have the same phenomenon of multiple birthdays in my family too. My mother was born on the same day as her sister (1 year apart), and my nephew was born on the same day as my aunt (46 years apart!). So weird!!!
Great pictures, Kim! Thanks for sharing them. You have a lovely family. Happy New Year!
Love the pictures, Kim.
We don't have the same day birthdays. We have same date birthdays. My children are both holiday babies born in different months but on the 28th. Two of my husband's sisters were born on the 16th of different months, and he and another sister were born on the 8th of different months. My mother and father were both born on the 5th. I'm the only oddball in the family. Go figure!
I love how your family is so tight knit, Kim! Your cake looks yummy by the way!
Now that is one great looking bunch!
Hope your new year is fantastic!!!
cool phenomena about the b-days!!!
It was a shame 'cause my cousin from Seattle and my cousin from California were going to come for the party but the snow got in the way.
Oh well - maybe next year.
David and Nora: Life is weird - I think it means something - I just don't know what it is ;-)
Kelly: The cake was waaaayyy too yummy - I have proof: my waistline. ;-) I had too send some home with MacKenzie - she's skinny.
Rena and Christy: Thanks.
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