We have had some great holiday celebrations. On New Year's Day we had a wonderful dinner with friends and family. Then we sang Happy Birthday to my brother Steve and my sister Tammy - no they aren't twins.

I don't know what it means - if anything - but it's an odd phenomena in our family. We have a lot of multiple birthdays without any twins. My oldest son (Jake) and my youngest daughter (Kara) have the same birthday too. And even my husband and I have the same birthday. On the bright side, it cuts down on the cakes I have to bake. :)
This is one cake I baked. We call it "lagekage" which is Danish and should be pronounced "Lauh Kay". And "lauh" is like "now".
Then we opened Christmas presents. My sister gave me this beautiful painting.

And I gave Serena a cute bracelet/necklace combo present.

Our extended family holiday celebrations were postponed due to weather. It was the worst snow storm in my lifetime (as far as I can remember) and it hit just before Christmas.
We didn't really mind because it was nice to stay home and have a quiet Christmas with the kids but we missed Steve and Tammy's birthday party. So, we had a little catching up to do.
Now we're all caught up and ready to move on - so we had to party like it was 2009. Oh . . ., wait, it is.
Time flies!