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The Supernatural Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

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15 seconds

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sasha - Our Siberian Husky

Sasha wasn't in a talkative mood. We'd taken her to the dog park so she was tired and wanted to be left alone.

Have you ever tried to get your kid to do something on cue? . . . so, you understand.

Siberian Huskies are usually very friendly dogs. And they can have different colorings. But, I think they are all beautiful. Of course, I've always been an animal person.

We have one frog, two dogs, and a cat - right now. But in the past, we've had iguanas, hedgehogs, horses, birds and more. So, maybe I'm not the person to ask, but I say animals are very smart - well...some of them are. Just like people, some are smarter than others. And, some are nicer than others.

People can be grouchy, anti-social and quiet but, if you find those same traits in a dog, its thought of as "dangerous".

I say it's all in the personality. . . of the person and the pet.

And, I say Siberian Huskies talk. Sasha even picked out her own name. I wish I had filmed it but - sadly - I didn't.

My daughter, Kara, wrote down ten different names, each on a separate piece of paper then she spread them out around the floor.

We all stood and watched as Sasha went up to one particular piece of paper. She picked it up in her mouth. Kara read the name.

Jake didn't like it. He said it sounded slutty. So, Kara - wanting to please her brother - put all the names back in a circle and sat Sasha in the center of the circle. We watched as she walked back over to that same piece of paper and peed on it. That was it.

Now, she's slutty-Sasha. We cut it short: Sasha. But...she does love attention.


David Batista said...

She's beautiful!

I want a Siberian Husky now. Actually, I've always wanted one ever since I was little. But I was afraid of the brutally hot summers here, what with no AC in the house and all.

Plus, Huskies need wide open spaces to play in. Not too much of that here in the urban ghetto of the South Bronx.

You're very lucky, Kim.

Rena Jones said...

Oh, she's gorgeous! I love how she picked out her name. That's so cute.

BTW Kim, I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award over on my blog. I hope you'll check it out.

Kimbra Kasch said...

David: It gets hot in the summer - so we bought Sasha a little kid plastic pool and she gets in it. Plus, we have air conditioning. She lays on the cold-air vents on hot days :) I told you she's smart. But she does need to run - every day. The dog park is great for that.

Rena: Thanks. I'm going to hop over there.

Angela Ackerman said...

My dog came into the room when I had this on and had quite the look on her face. Her name's Sasha, too!

Kelly Polark said...

Sascha is absolutely beautiful!
I love how she picked her name. Sascha doesn't sound slutty at all ;) and she looks like a good girl. :0)

Kimbra Kasch said...

Angela: That is sooo funny. She probably wondered who was talking to her.

Kelly: Looks can be deceiving ;)

C.R. Evers said...

what a cutie!

Christina Farley said...

Oh I just love her. She's beautiful. I think Siberian Huskies are my favorite dogs. But hot summers in Florida would not suit her here. Or a tiny apartment in Korea!

Give her a hug for me.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Thanks Cristy.

Christina: The people who sold her to us said she would be small - yeah right - we live in the city :(

So, it's two trips to the dog park most days. But we have lots of dog parks around here. They are fenced in, with water and baggies for the pooh. And dogs just love to get together and run and run and run...

Christina Farley said...

Oh you are so good. I'm impressed with your determination to give Sasha what she needs as far as space.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Christina: The duties are shared between me, my daughter, and my husband. But even the boys pitch in now-and-then. More then than now though.


Anonymous said...

How funny! I do love that name. I'm embarrased to say we named our first son in a similar fashion--he didn't pee on the name, but we tested 2 and picked the one he turned his head toward.
Is your skin radiant? I covet Kate Winslet's complexion...

Kimbra Kasch said...

GG: I think facials can't hurt but I don't know how much mine helped. My husband just laughed.

Brenda said...

I guess she figured if she tinkled on it, you guys would get the hint that that was the name for her...grin...

Kimbra Kasch said...

Brenda: I guess it was some sort of animal ritual - kind of like the mucous bonding in that Jim Carey film Jungle to Jungle - or something like that. 8)