Do you think it's worth the investment, which looks like it's about $359 (according to Amazon) for the kindle? And which one is better: Sony Reader or the Kindle?
I would love to be able to upload books and take them with me wherever I go, without the bulk and weight of them. Plus, whenever I pack, I over pack. This way I could bring way too many books with me without having to worry about space.
But, what do you think? Is it worth it to invest in this new technology?
I'm considering it. But, then again, I've never been a big techy. Of course my kids are and my husband is an IT director - so I'm sure someone would use it even if I decided it wasn't for me. But, having grown up poor, I hate to waste money.
Any words of wisdom for a bookaholic?
I personally have no interest but my professor has one (a Kindle) and will go on and on about it at a moment's notice. Also, Doug Johnson over at The Blue Skunk Blog has one and has posted favorably about it. I don't know much about the Sony reader, so I guess if I had to pick, I'd go for the Kindle.
I personally would not get one, but I can see it would have a bit of a following. I do think the majority of people would prefer books though.
I don't know if I could trade the satisfaction of a real, bound book in my hands for a hand-held screen, no matter how convenient it might be. Call me old-fashioned, but there's a comfort factor that I don't think a piece of technology could duplicate.
I don't know if I can do it.. Give up the relationship I have and love with a paper book.
I see where travelers of a certain style would like it--but I don't even ride a bus anywhere so it's paper for this gal.
No way. If this is the only way I'll be able to read in the future (which I don't believe), I'll cave -- but as of now I have no interest whatsoever. Books are about the physical object, not just the content.
Please let know if you like it, because this is on my wish list. But I do really like the smell, feel, and even look of a book!
I can see people getting into these. My husband likes books on CD because his eyes aren't as good as they used to be and he can listen to them in the car. I don't know if I could get into this, but I really don't read that many adult books these days, just kid's books.
Nothing beats the smell of a book and turning the pages...I guess I'm an old fashion kind...my vote would be for the book...
I think I'd like one but I hate to spend that much money...
I think I'll keep thinking for a bit longer.
I hope I never get one. I not only like to hold my books, but I sniff them and pet the pages. Can't do that with a kindle.
I've thought about it, but after a while I always end up deciding that now is not the right time for this technology. At least, not for me. And this coming from a guy who *loves* shiny new tech toys! :)
Oh JC: I think you could snuggle with a Sony or cuddle with a kindle - but I know what you're saying. Books are the best! :)
But when I travel, they are heavy in my bags. :(
I suppose one day I will get one, but for now I'm happy to cuddle up with a book.
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