Now for Earth-Friendly Friday:
One of the ways I live green is by not using any pesticides in my garden. Of course it can be a pain when I watch neighbors come out with Roundup and spray their weeds - instant results. But that's not the way to go. Those poisons destroy so much more than the weeds.
I'm trying to create a habitat for the wild things: birds, bugs, toads, and YES even snakes.

And, even though I don't use any pesticides, some of my plants grow over 3 feet tall. (Cute neighbor-kid model :)

My Mom always used to say, "Money doesn't grow on trees."
But paper is made out of trees - and money is made on paper - right?
Oh...well, if you're going to grow anything - it might as well be moneyplant - that's my motto. :)

Of course here in the city we don't get many toads or snakes but we DO get some. And I don't want to have them arrive, just in time to kill them. These creatures are good for the garden and good for the environment. So, I garden organically. The process may take more time but the results are worth it - don't you agree?

What pretty garden pictures! We don't use any pesticides, either. Some of my plants are a little bug-chewed, but most make it just fine.
Great pictures, Kim!
We use something on our roses to keep the deer from eating them, but I think it's made with peppermint. It wears off though and sometimes they have a rose feast!
Amen--nature in balance is a healthy and wonderful thing!
Love the garden, Kim! And I'm envious of your talent.
I have a brown thumb, you see: everything growing turns brown and dies in my presence! :)
No way, I was right about India? Now I wil have to read up on the link you gave.
I also began organic gardening (hardcore) last year. Birds and rabbits have flocked to my yard. A squirrel has been spotted for the first time ever. The downside? Voles have made my backyard into mud landmines. Black piles of dirt everywhere you look and there is no safe ground to keep ne from sinking. I never even knew the damage they could do. Fortunately the bunnies are cute! I will keep learning how to conquer the voles without the tempting drastic measures I long to take...
I have just really started getting into gardening in the past few years since I moved into a house with a good sized back yard. I have always planted flowers but now I am hooked on it in a huge way. Organic all the way I believe as well. I am still learning and loving the process.
So glad you came to visit my blog and I have really enjoyed yours--will definitely be back. I am planning a post for next week on biodynamic farming, have you heard of it? I am fascinated. I heard about it originally through my work (wine) and then, later through a book that I adore, "The magic of Findhorn."
Thanks again and looking forward to reading more!
Adrienne: I'd love to see photos of yours.
Rena:I tried Cayenne Pepper but here in Oregon, it gets washed away by the rain too quickly.
David: Start with an EZ houseplant :)
Meredith: I didn't even know what a vole was :) lucky me.
Jo and GG: Thanks for popping by:)
Wow, what beautiful plants! I am terrible with plants. I've tried to beautify my yard and only succeeded with my flowers outside last summer when my hubby stepped in and helped. His thumb is much greener than mine!
Thanks Kelly - but these photos were all pre-Sasha. My yard is not so pretty any more. All the potted plants are now hanging baskets - way UP high... She digs holes like a gopher the size of an elephant :(
Hopefully, she'll out grow this stage (fingers X'd)
Very cute post. I like your reasoning on trees and money. What a thought!
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