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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Orphanage - SHOCKTOBER post

The Jacketflap of the movie said “terrifying horror thriller” well worth seeing. It was worth seeing but, IMHO, it wasn’t terrifying or horrifying - not in the least.

It was more like "a little creepy". Along the lines of Nicole Kidman’s "The Others".

My husband and I watched it together. He kept saying, “Where’s Carlos?” whenever anything was wrong. And it’s true. Where was the husband all the time? [A bit of a spoiler here] No wonder he wasn’t in her thoughts at the end.


Cate Gardner said...

Oh, I had the complete opposite reaction to that film. I loved it, and would list it among the top horror films I've ever seen.

C.R. Evers said...

Good to know. I actually like "creepy" movies but I don't like "horror" I may watch it then.


Rena Jones said...

Oooh, I don't do horror very well. The scariest I'll get is Bela Lugosi in "Dracula" -- boo.

I did watch "Sweeney Todd" which wasn't scary or all that gory. It's about the most recent dark film I've seen lately.

Kimbra Kasch said...

A "terrifying horror thriller” to me is more like 30 Days of Night, 28 Days Later, and I am Legend.

The Orphanage is more like suspense - at least to me.

And this is a great month to watch a few of these scary shows.

Umesh said...

A "terrifying horror thriller” to me is more like 30 Days of Night, 28 Days Later, and I am Legend. The Orphanage is more like suspense - at least to me. And this is a great month to watch a few of these scary shows.