Okay, we don't have to be crazy when it comes to celebrating the season. And, being "green" doesn't mean we have to eat moldy food to be earth-friendly. All we need to do is pay attention to a few little details: like buy locally grown goods, try one new organic fruit or vegetable, don't buy over-packaged produce. Just try to be aware and we won't be WAISTful at this feasting holiday.
My motto is: if we all do a little, it will all do a lot. And, joining forces, together we can be protectors of the planet.
There's no need to force yourself to eat more in one day than should be humanly possible. So, instead of overeating until your pants won't button, why not plan to start some new family traditions, like going for a family walk before or after your holiday meal. Or, how about a family movie at the local theater? You'll be supporting the local economy, getting a little exercise and sharing a memory with your loved ones. Dare I ask--What could be wrong with that?
And, I was just joking about the tofurkey. Now, in honor of full-disclosure, I have to admit I'm a recovering vegetarian. After eating no meat for over 6 years, I've gone back to my carnivorous ways. But, here are a few tips for an eco-friendly turkey day.
I hope you'll all come back next week, when I'll be sharing a few family recipes to help you eat heart-healthy and still have some happy taste buds :)
Thank you for not suggesting we skip the bird!
Ha! Ha! I was going to say NO Way to the Tofurkey!
Gluttony is not cool, but a free-range bird on my plate with a side of gravy and stuffing sure is;)
Kim...I was a vegetarian for almost 7 years (in my late teens to mid 20's)...my first husbands family couldn't understand why I would want to do that, so after awhile I gave in and started eating meat again...I have often thought of going back to it though...
Our Thanksgiving Turkey for the last 5 years has been wild turkey that Hubs has gotten in the spring...much better than a store bought one...
What made you go back, Kim?
Rena: I got seriously anemic. I'm still taking chelated iron. Every body is different and what's good for one isn't always good for another.
It's nearly impossible to get turkey here in Korea but we have friends on the military base so we hope they can buy us one there. I love turkey!
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