Are you serious about writing? Do you dream about seeing your name in print - I mean are you willing to do anything to get published?
I don’t want any namby-pamby excuses or complaints about lack of time: Everyone has the same 24 hours to use or abuse. And every writer needs to revise and redraft if they want to refine.
So how do wanna-be writers, who work in the real world, find time to complete these tasks?
It's easy—as murder.
All you need to do is decide whether or not it's important enough (that you love writing so much) you'd actually be willing to kill an old friend:
Or in other words, your T.V.
And here's how to do it (at least every now-and-then): That one program in the middle of the week that you never miss: miss it.
That one cooking class you watch every Saturday:
skip it.
That evening news you can't neglect: nix it.
You can find a summary on the internet or during a quick conversation at the water-cooler at work and that extra hour or two you’ve just wiggled into your schedule will come in handy when you sit down to finish your latest project.
There’s just no way around it: the truth is, writing takes time and the best way to make time is to be organized so here are a few ways to get started and some tips to keep you on top of that mountain of paperwork threatening to create an avalanche all over your desk.
1) Keep it Simple;
2) Make a Date, plan some time to write – then do it;
3) Back Everything Up;
4) And last, but not least, kill your T.V.
One of the most important things is to schedule time for the love of your life (writing). Simply make a date with your computer because every relationship needs work. Think of writing as a new-found relationship and you’ll manage to make time for your love. Pencil a small fragment of time into your computer calendar then stick to it. Even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, two times a week, it will be more than you’re committing to your writing career right now. And, at least this way, you’ll be spending a small chunk of time developing your talent.
After all this time and energy you’ve invested, remember, your work is only as safe as you keep it. So back everything up; it can be an inexpensive thumb drive (also known as a flash drive), CDs, or even floppy disks, but make sure you label your accessories – or otherwise you’ll get caught in that same unorganized boat you were in before.
So next time you're thinking you don't have the time to sit down and write, remember all you have to do is commit murder: "KILL your T.V."
7 months ago
Great advice. I try to stick to watching TV only when I'm too tired to do anything else...
And I finally got around to backing up files yesterday - I need to train myself to do that more often.
Fantastic advice. I should kill my children next (kidding!).
GG: Kids DO take a lot of time - but you MIGHT miss 'em at least more than your TV ;-)
This summer I find myself reading more and watching TV less--an excellent tradeoff. I hope I can keep up this pattern when new fall programs arrive.
Great post. I needed this reminder.
Hee! You should be an inspirational speaker.
I need you to come to Illinois and get my butt back into writing gear! I've hardly written all summer! It's been one heckuva busy summer!
I couldn't agree more.
For me the desire to write was sufficiently strong that I found myself watching less and less TV.
Even though I've been writing less recently whilst I'm hunting for a publisher the allure of TV hasn't returned. I realise it sounds slightly (or very) pretentious, but creating is so much more rewarding than watching.
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