Thursday, February 12, was the book opening for Rosanne Parry's debut book: The Heart of a Shepherd. It was held at Annie Bloom Books in Multnomah.
Rosanne talked about her journey as a writer. And about her daughter who loves to write too.

It was a fun evening and I bought the book. I'll have to do another post after I've read the book.
What a fun experience. I love hearing other author's talks.
Hi, Kim.
One day that will be you and me on the other side of the book table!
Hi Kim, this is unrelated to your current post, but I had a comment about your valentine craft. I must be a complete klutz because I had the darndest time. I can't believe your kids made them when they were little. It was a stretch for my skills :). They did finally turn out and the kids thought they were cute.
Christina: I love going to book openings - just wish they'd have a red carpet - like they do for the movies.
Jean: I soooo hope so - keeping my eyes, fingers and toes X'd. :)
Des: Maybe it's 'cause we've been doing them 4ever that they seem so EZ but we made them when the kids were small - there's a much more difficult craft we do. I'll have to do a craft on Danish stars. Then you'll think the hears are super-duper EZ.
Let us know what you think!
Sounds like it was a fun day. Let us know how you like the book.
Isn't that the most fun--meeting authors is like meeting movie stars for me.
GG: I love meeting authors - it's so fun to see the face behind the creativity.
Rena and Meredith: I'll let you know as soon as the book makes it to the top of my TBR pile (to be read). :)
Thanks so much for coming, Kim. I felt honored to be sharing that moment with writers like you who have been an inspiration to me for years now!
I went to a reading of Carmen's ages ago and she told me that talent helps but not giving up helps even more. You have plenty of talent, Kim. Hang in there and your day will come around. :-)
You are so sweet Rosanne. Thanks. It was so much fun.
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