Spend 10-Minutes in the Bible Today

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The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 5

Revelation Chapter 2 - Angels, Stars, & the Future

Monday, December 22, 2008

Rock Band 2: Early Christmas

Here, in Portland, Oregon, we've been hit by the snowstorm of the century. Well, ... at least the storm of my lifetime. So we've been home bound - sort of.

And, with six people holed up in one house, we had to find something to do. So, the boys got one of their Christmas presents early: Rock Band 2. We all went up to the boys' room to play it. Between playing the drums, the guitar and singing - it was a lot of fun. Of course it helps that Lars plays the piano, Jake plays the guitar, Kara, and Luke love to sing and MacKenzie plays the violin. I was the one with the camera. Actually...I did "play" the drums and the guitar - if you can call it that ;)

MacKenzie joined in with the family and she fit right in.


Kelly Polark said...

Our family loves Rock Band (and my son is playing Guitar Hero as I type this). We don't have Rock Band 2 yet (is it out for Wii?). Loved your family clips!! Your family looks like it has so much fun together! We like to play as a family too, our family band name is the Buttlarks. Yes, juvenile and grade schoolish, I know! But my oldest is 9!

Rena Jones said...

Looks like a fun way to stay inside and keep warm. My family is really into Guitar Hero and all these games too.

Anonymous said...

That looks quite cozy up there! A great way to create memories inside!

Nora MacFarlane said...

My kids love Guitar hero, too. We don't have Rock Band, but we have just about everything you need in the house for a band. Guitars, bass, piano, keyboards, trombones, and a small recording studio. Did I mention the house is rarely quiet? Ya gotta love it!

Clementine said...

I saw on the news last night where you are getting pounded! At least you will have a white Christmas?
It's a whopping 20 degrees here but supposed to go back up to 58 on Friday. But no snow for us. Can you send some our way?

Kimbra Kasch said...

Kelly: Rock Band 2 isn't out for the Wii yet. I asked. My sons love the Wii.

Rena: My sons love Guitar Hero too.

GG: You're probably used to a foot of snow but I've never seen this and I've lived in this house all my life.

Nora: My kids also love Dance Dance Revolution and Karaoke Revolution. THEY are very musical and they like to laugh at me cause I'm not.

Amy: We could send you 6 inches and still have plenty - this year.

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone's having fun! You're fortunate to have your family with you for the holidays, instead of having half of them stuck in some airport as has happened to so many.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Lisa: I'm soooo glad to have my kids here with me. It makes the holidays a real celebration.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't resist, ROCK ON!

Matt Holm said...

Kim-- you guys just can't stop rocking can you! Thanks for hosting us for the kidlit xmas party on Friday, and special thanks to MacKenzie and Lars for the music!

By the way--what is the URL of your sons' web comic?

Kimbra Kasch said...

Matt: It was fun - thanks for coming.

The web comic is boy humor:


Merry Christmas!

Kai Strand, Author said...


Santa dropped off Rock Band for us this year and we've been rocking ever since. What a great game. Kids have THE BEST toys these days. I'm so glad 'our' generation grew up to invent all these toys, huh? Great way for the family to spend time together.