We all sing Auld Lang Syne on New Year's Eve but what does it mean?
It's an old Scotch phrase that means "Old Long Since" but would be more appropriately translated today to "Long, long, ago".
Some say Rabbie Burns wrote the poem but some say he only added to the already existing poem. If you're interested in reading the poem, and a Gaelic translation, click on Rabbie Burns' name.
Just reading this made me a little homesick for Scotland, but I suspect if I was back there, I'd still give the New Year's crowds a miss. We'll definitely sing Auld Lang Syne, though, and our Scots daughter is pining for haggis.
Haggis?... Sounds vaguely familiar but it's early.
I'll have to wikipedia that.
That's funny Kim because just yesterday I was reading about what that song meant and how most people don't know or sing it incorrectly.
Happy New Year to you & yours!
I've never known that--thank you! I think I may pass on the carmelized potatoes--onions, yes, potatoes, not sure...
GG: Caramelized potatoes are oh so yummy - honest.
interesting to note the information because its contents are very interesting
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