Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Joshua Chapter 4

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Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Shadow of a pumpkin

So first I painted my pumpkin black then I put lace over the top and spray-painted it gold.

Now I have a few more ideas...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pacific Rim - the Movie

My hubby and I went to see Pacific Rim this past weekend. It was Godzilla meets the Transformers.

It was a fun action film. I don't usually like these kinds of shows but it was kind of fun because it reminded me of watching one of those Godzilla films I used to watch on Saturday afternoons when I was growing up.

It also sort of reminded me of Stephen King's movie/book "The Mist".

In Pacific Rim, alien dinosaur-type creatures come through a rift in the earth (kind of like middle earth ;)
Only this rift is down underneath the water...

So all in all it was a fun night out.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Muppets

I've been on a Muppet Kick!

I've been making Miss Piggy and Kermit this week. I also made a minion and I'm working on a new pumpkin . . . see him in the background...he's pretty plain right now but give me a day or two...

Here's how I made Kermie.

I took some green duck tape and covered the pumpkin.

Then I used ping-pong balls for eyes. I used bamboo skewers to hold the ping pong balls to the pumpkin.

Originally I just drew a mouth on him. But my boys said no one would be able to tell who he was. So I added the collar out of fabric I had around the house and used an old paper plate and some construction paper to make his mouth.

I glued it all together and then put Kermie with his love Miss Piggy.

And I was pretty happy with how he turned out. Of course the boys still don't think anyone will know who he is...I must be getting old because who doesn't know the muppets...?

Friday, September 20, 2013

How Far Will You Go?

So there's no doubt about it. I love conferences. I love classes. And most of all I just love to learn new things. It's not true that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. . .

So, I'm going to head up to the Western Washington SCBWI for one of their October events.

This will be a character building, not mine, but fictional characters workshop and a query building workshop.

So while I love to learn new things, I can also stop by and see my cousin and his family and catch up with them. I love Seattle.

So how bout you...what will you go a long ways for....?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I love to decorate for Halloween and I had this little squash sitting around. I asked my daughter, "what do you think I'm going to do with this?"

She grinned and said, "Gonzo!"

She immediately knew what I was thinking before I said a word.

She knows how I think.

First I cut the ping-pong balls in half and colored them with pens to make eyes. Then I cut little slots to put the "eyes" inside the squash.

After I had the eyes in place I started painting.

Then I added a little wire hair.
I propped him up on a cake stand. I still have more to do but this was fun.

Whistle in the Dark by Susan Hill Long

Last Thursday I went to the debut book opening of Whistle in the Dark. It was held at the Cedar Hills Powell's Books.

This is a fictionalized historical novel about a young boy who wants a dog but gets a miner's cap instead.

I haven't read it yet but I have started it.

It was a fun evening listening to Susan Hill Long talk about her journey as a writer.

I'll post more when I finish the story. . . but for now, you just might want to run out and get your own copy. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


So with the creepy days of Halloween just around the corner, I've started pulling out the ghosts, ghouls and goblins and advertising ;D

Here's my latest little sign... I reused the sign from the Renewing of our Vows celebration. We had this stuck in the yard so people could find our place. It had a picture of me and my hubby on it but now that that's over, this is a good sign to celebrate Halloween.

It was super easy to make. All I needed were a few dollar store stencils and a little paint.

And my son penciled in the little ghost and I just had to fill-in the lines, kind of like coloring only with paint.

And then I stuck it in a pot out on the front porch to "warn" would-be trick-or-treaters that the house is haunted ;D

Did you notice my cauldron filled with flowers? A little good, a little evil (he-he-he) but isn't that what Halloween is all about?

You tell me, are you getting ready for the holiday?