Beauty is more than just the outside appearance. Beauty is a combination of the inner and outer person. One way to have inner beauty is to find a way to contribute something to the world. People can contribute in many different ways: it might be art, teaching, volunteering, or (like for me) hair.
I decided a long time ago to donate my hair to the Locks of Love program. I've done it one other time. My hair is super thick so my hairdresser said, they should be able to make a few wigs out of that horsetail--I can only hope.
It took a long time to grow my hair back out so that I would have enough to be able to donate it again. The donation has to be at least 10 inches long from tip to tip. If you are interested in donating, click here for the donation form.
I hope others will consider this program. Plus, please do the polls re: hair on the side. (Thanks)
I got tagged. This was a tag from Green Girl - by the way, I used to call my Great Grandma (GG)
So, I'm tagging five others (Mom used to say, "one extra-to grow on." So, why not?
The Rules:
1. Go to the 4th picture folder on your computer.
2. Post the 4th picture in that folder (Mine was the one from my haircut for LoL-Locks of Love).
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 more bloggers.
Okay, so TAG, you're it (hope you'll play):
Kelly Polark
Rena Jones
Christina Farley
Jean Hall
David Batiste