Lisa Graff was my inspiration for this Beauty Blog - well, that and my upcoming 30-year high school reunion and my husband's 30-year reunion, where I'll be his date ;)
Okay, my skin has aged - a lot - over 30 years. So I thought I would start with a facial but, OMG, those things are expensive so I opted for a homemade facial. I used a little mini-spatula to smear the concoction over my face, then I let it dry and finally I washed it off. It was a great exfoliation process. I was hoping to end up having skin looking like:

Okay, maybe that's going a wee-bit young. So how about going for a look like:

Okay, maybe I'm dreaming. But, at least now you can see why I started this process so early. It looks like this beauty-blog project is going to be one LONG experiment. I think I'll do a little bit each week, over the next six months. And, hopefully, I'll see some improvement.
My daughter is even committed to helping me. She started by straightening my hair. I have super-thick, coarse, hair that has a lot of wave to it, so that can be a big job. But we did it.
This was just phase one of my BIG beauty project. I'll keep you posted here on my blog, as I keep advancing (in years but hopefully doing a Benjamin Button on my face).
My husband's 30-year reunion (from Scappoose High School) will be in October and I haven't found out about mine - yet - but, like I said, at least I have a little time to work on this project and, as you can see from my pictures, that's a good thing ;-)