Freshly popped popcorn (6-8 cups)
1 package of white chocolate (can be chips or candy)
4 large peppermint candy canes
Salt (just a few pinches)
Wax Paper
metal bowl
Pyrex dish (for melting chocolate)
Pop your corn and set aside while you melt your white chocolate.
Pour the white chocolate over the popped corn.
Sprinkle a pinch or two of salt over your popped corn.
Break your candy canes by putting them in a large baggie and then smashing them with a can of corn or some other vegetable. Sprinkle your crunched candy canes over the top of your popped corn and stir all together.

Tah-Dah, you're done!
Wonderful gift and so yummilicious.
Very nice and easy. Love those. Thanks for the comment about my banner. I had just put that up.
PS: Have you tried making creamer with double (whipping), cream and real maple syrup?
It's been our new favorite for awhile and works so much better than the sweet condensed milk.
Oh my gosh. So flippin' good.
Sounds good - I'll try it this weekend. :D
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