It was a holiday filled with movies, musicals and memories and way too much food. We couldn't just have one turkey - we had to have two. A chocolate one and a poultry version.
At least we started out the day by running in the Portland Turkey Trot at the Zoo.
Then we went home and had an early "dinner" and ran out to watch Mocking Jay the third Hunger Games movie.
The next morning was filled with shopping and going to see the musical production of Bat Boy at the Funhouse Lounge.
Saturday Lars worked on the floor in the chibrary, which isn't easy because he's trying to match up old wood from flooring in the house from 1890 (almost 125 year old wood), but I think it's looking pretty. This spot used to only have plywood flooring because it was behind the chimney in the attic.
and it flew by and Sunday was a blur.
How was your holiday?
7 months ago
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