My lil sis and I ran in the Run Like Hell fundraiser to help fight ALS . It was a lot of zombified fun and it helped raise money for a good cause while helping us get heart healthy - what better way than to spend the Halloween season?
It must have been running with all those scary zombies that made me Run Like Hell. I don't know . . . but I do know my time was better and there were no downhill portions in this race. I cut my time from my last run, which was the Pints to Pasta run in August. I shaved 31 seconds off each mile.
31 seconds...I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm working to get my time down and my endurance up - not an easy task for an old lady who runs in her "spare" time-like there is such a thing.
Anyway, I was happy bettering my personal best. And at my age, that's all I'm hoping for :)
Personal best. Always fantastic.
Go you. Rah.
Good for you! That's a nice accomplishment.
Thanks Gals! It was fun.
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