When artists used to paint or sketch royalty, they always made them look their best. They knew they could become famous and wealthy if they pleased the royals. So, of course, they made them look "better" than they actually were. You can read more about this phenomenon in this article under the section about Portraits of Elizabeth I.
Well . . ., this weekend I felt like royalty. And, I wish I had the money to make David Poole wealthy--because, believe me, he deserves it!
I had my portrait done while I was at the 30-year reunion this weekend. And, I LOVE this sketch because it makes me look soooo much younger than I actually am.
David Poole is a local Oregon artist who has done portraits of all my kids and my husband. He didn't have time to do mine when he did theirs. So, this was something I've always wanted to come back to the beach to have done.
He was VERY kind in his perspective of me and I really enjoyed talking with him and appreciated the way he presented me.
Have you ever had your portrait painted or sketched? Were you happy with the outcome?
If not, why not? And, if you ever make it to Seaside, Oregon, check out the carousel mall and get a portrait done. I guarantee - You're gonna LOVE it!!!
We have to remember:
Beauty (like age) is in the Eye of the Beholder:
"Shakespeare expressed a similar sentiment in Love's Labours Lost, 1588:
Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,
Needs not the painted flourish of your praise:
Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,
Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues
Benjamin Franklin, in Poor Richard's Almanack, 1741, wrote:
Beauty, like supreme dominion
Is but supported by opinion"
I loved David's very generous opinion :)
That is beautiful, Kim!
When I was a child, my mom had an artist sketch my sister and I and hung them in our room. I never thought it looked like us. My hubby and I have a caricature of us and our dogs. It is funny and actually does look a bit like us!
Beautiful portrait! I worked as a portrait artist at a theme park, years ago. I still like to paint them once in a while.
I really wanted to have one done when we went to Paris - some of the street artists were amazing.
Beautiful sketch!
What a beautiful picture, Kim! I love it!
Lovely portrait! Nope never sat for a one, but when my sister and I were quite young my mom had one of those silhouette paper cutters do our profiles and we weren't in Disneyland. Years later in Disney World I got my silhouette done a second time. It was facsinating watching him cut a piece of black paper that turned out to look remarkably like me.
That's really lovely!
I love it! My sis did a painting of me and my ex-husband for our wedding gift. I still have it. We're divorced...but my sis painted it so it's not like I can throw it away!
Thanks gals - it was a lot of fun just sitting, relaxing and watching the artist work his magic - which was like a time travel machine ;)
It's beautiful! I had a charcoal done of me when I was in my 20s. I forgot all about it until you asked the question! I don't know whatever happened to it...
Beautiful sketch, Kim! I've never had mine donw. The only thing I've had done was a carcature, but I have no idea if I even have that anymore. Your sketch is really nice and he did a great job.
You look beautiful! What a cool thing to have done.
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