Then we went up on the mountain to get our tree. It was cold, wet and a lot of fun. The kids would have enjoyed it more if it would have been snowy - oh well. It was easy driving.

Then it was MacKenzie's Birthday! Happy Birthday MacKenzie!!!

The holidays are always hectic - I'm thankful for long weekends so we can squeeze everything in.
I love going and cutting down a tree...okay, I go, I point to the tree I want...Hubs cuts and drags...50/50 marriage that's what we have...grin...
After Sis and I moved out of our parents home, they bought a little 3 foot fake tree and it stays decorated all the time...they just put in the hall closet when Christmas is over and get out next year...If I didn't love real trees sooo much, this might be tempting to do for us here also...
Happy Holidays!
Oh, what a fun day! Glad to see you got your lights working again. Did you have to replace them, or did you fiddle around with them and got them going?
Thank you again so very much Kim!!! That was so nice of you and I really appreciated it!!! :)
Brenda: Yeah, that's what I do too. I say, "This is THE tree." Hubs cuts and he and the boys haul it down the mountain. Of course I have to hike in on the mountain to find THE tree.
Rena: You won't believe it, a Christmas miracle, we got up and the lights were working! That was an EZ fix.
MacKenzie: I hope you have a great day! And, Luke is such a camera HAM. Just look at him in these pics. ;-)
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