ANSWER TO THOUGHT FOR THURSDAY: There's something rotten in the State of Denmark. It was Hamlet's story, set in Elsinore, Denmark. Read more about it here.
This is the moat surrounding the castle:

And, now, for Earth-Friendly Friday.
We writers all use computers made of plastics but is that the best option available? Not any more. Bamboo laptops are earth-friendly. Read more about them here.
Beautiful castle. Being half Danish, it makes me proud! I'll get there someday.
Bamboo keyboards? Cool! I'd love to see one.
Amy: Fujitsu makes cedar laptops but the bamboo is much more sustainable because it grows almost like a weed. Click on the read about it "here" and you will see the bamboo and cedar laptops.
It's very interesting. Thanks for popping by.
Deb: My husband moved here from Denmark, his brother is still a Danish citizen. So, if you're ever going let me know and I' can give you all sorts of tips, hints and clues.
Bamboo? Why am I suddenly reminded of VeggieTales when they're on the island and make everything out of bamboo and coconuts? ;) Off to check out the link ...
Bamboo! Really? Who wudda thunk it? Interesting. I gotta check that out!
Great photo's!
Bamboo! Now that is interesting..
Wow! They can make everything out of Bamboo! Thanks for the info...
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