Palmistry traces its roots back to Indian (Hindu) astrology. It is thought to have started more than 5000 years ago.
Now for
Earth-Friendly Friday:
One of the ways I live green is by not using any pesticides in my garden. Of course it can be a pain when I watch neighbors come out with Roundup and spray their weeds - instant results. But that's not the way to go. Those poisons destroy so much more than the weeds.
I'm trying to create a habitat for the
wild things: birds, bugs, toads, and YES even snakes.
And, even though I don't use any pesticides, some of my plants grow over 3 feet tall. (Cute neighbor-kid model :)
My Mom always used to say, "Money doesn't grow on trees."
But paper is made out of trees - and money is made on paper - right?
Oh...well, if you're going to grow anything - it might as well be moneyplant - that's my motto. :)
Of course here in the city we don't get many toads or snakes but we DO get some. And I don't want to have them arrive, just in time to kill them. These creatures are good for the garden and good for the environment. So, I garden organically. The process may take more time but the results are worth it - don't you agree?