If you're looking to submit your work to literary agents, you should always check out their website to see new updates, tips and hints about how they'd like you to submit your work to them. But, if you're looking for ideas of where to submit your work, here are five who are looking for new clients that you can research a little more on your own. And good luck to you.
1) JamesMcGowan from BookendsLiterary says, “I'm very eager to find: ADULT mystery, crime, domestic suspense and horror/speculative fiction.” Query James at: link
2) Adria Goetz at Martin Literary says,
“I represent, in general: Picture books, Middle Grade, Young Adult, Adult Fiction (as of 2020!), Graphic Novels, Quirky gift books, Devotionals for the Christian market, Books for both the general market, and the Christian market. “ Query Adria at this Link
3) Amy Bishop at Dystel Goderich says she’s looking for more “Upmarket bookclub fiction” Query her at this link
4 4) Heather Carr at the Friedrich Agency is looking for narrative nonfiction and literary fiction, especially “voice-driven nonfiction” that teaches her something new. Query Heather at this link
5 5) Kat Kerr at the Donald Mass Literary Agency is looking for Romantic Comedies with diverse characters. Query Kat at this link