READING THE BIBLE-1st Kings Cptr. 2

King David's Successor: Solomon

The Legacy of Lust & Punishment of King David

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones. . . Reading the Bible

The Christmas story - Luke Chapter 2 - in the Bible


The Ark of the Covenant - Reading the Bible This Year

The Resurrection of Jesus is the Good News of the Bible

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ - Mark Chapter 15

What does God Say about righteous Anger? Read Mark 11

Divorce - What Does God Say About it? Mark 10

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mark 9

Demons, Dogs & Deafness - Bible Discussion Today

Jesus Walks on Water - READING THE BIBLE - Mark 6

Demon-Possessed Man Gets Healed - Mark 5 - READING THE BIBLE


A Story About a Giant Battling a Boy - David & Goliath


Mark Chapter 2 - Jesus Heals

Christ's Resurrection - READING THE BIBLE THIS YEAR

The Death of Jesus and Judas Hangs Himself

THE LAST SUPPER - Matthew 26 - Reading the Bible

DIVORCE-What does the Bible Say

The Supernatural Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

The Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

Jesus Walks on Water-Matthew 14

Curious about Demons? Join us as we Read the Bible

Forgiveness in the Bible



Curious What the Bible Says about Prophesy?

Reading the Bible - Revelation 17 - The Woman on the Beast

7 Angels & 7 Plagues - The Tribulation in the Bible

The Angel of the Lord at Bokim - Reading the Bible

666 - The Number of the Beast - READING THE BIBLE

Joshua's Farewell-Reading the Bible this Year

The Woman and The Dragon - READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR

The Two Witnesses for God - Revelation 11

The Angel & The Little Scroll - Revelation 10

Misunderstandings Can Start Wars - Joshua Chapter 22

Cities of Refuge: Joshua Chapter 20


The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 5

Revelation Chapter 2 - Angels, Stars, & the Future

Showing posts with label Writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writers. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


If you're a writer, check out this new blog I'm working on with other writers...

We are hoping to post author interviews, research tips, hints and tricks to help anyone wanting to write a book. I hope you'll pop over and check it out.

And here's a little tease about our first post on writing research...can you tell, it's going to be hair-raising... ;D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Writers . . . Working . . .WINNING

Writing is something we do because we love it. It's like breathing for some of us. We've been doing it as long as we can remember but sometimes . . . when we get to a spot that gets tough, we feel like we're starting to climb an unbreachable path

And we keep on writing, and working and working. . .
even though it seems like the path is getting steeper and more difficult and making it over to the other side is going to be impossible

But if you keep at it, and work through those hills, it will be smooth sailing before you know what happened

So keep on that path. . . keep on going . . . there's only one way to reach your destination - and the steps to your goal are right in front of you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Contest: Win a Mentorship Program for One Lucky Winner

Mortimer Literary Agency Announces its Yearly Mentorship Program. I received this information via Kelly Mortimer's newsletter:

"And awaaay we go! I'm ready to tell y'all about my mentorship program, started because I'm mental. I wanna help writers. I can't help everyone, but I can help ONE. It could be you.

You'll get more details later, but here's the overview.

I'll choose a writer and starting with chapter one of their finished manuscript, help them transform the work with the end goal being a contract for representation and the sale of the manuscript.

The mentorship program isn't meant for those with one foot in the door, but for someone with a great idea or voice, that ain't getting' pubbed until they learn all the fun rules we have.

The program is open to the first 100 applicants who satisfy the requirements TO THE LETTER. If ya can't follow simple directions, ya need more help than I can give.

I have a lot of friends, and I wanna keep it that way. I'll be judging blind. Your application will go to someone else, contest style. The only info I'll receive will be the genre and word count. Sooo, you haveta send something unrecognizable to me. Something you haven't submitted before.

You'll need to send the app form, one page of your manuscript (250-words computer program count, 250 words in Courier New font, or 300 words in Times New Roman font), and a one-page essay on why you should win the mentorship. If ya give me any clues to who ya are, you're outta there!

I'll be accepting the submissions from October 1-31, 2008. If ya send your app in a minute before, you're outta there!

The actual program will start in the second week of January."

That's a direct quote

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Finally Here! Violet Raines Almost Got Struck By Lightning

Borders didn't call but I stopped by during my lunch hour and checked to see if Danette Haworth's new book was finally in. Hooray!!! It's finally here. And I had to climb into my "garden" and start it right away. And with talk of coral snakes and alligators on the jacketflap, before I even made it to the first page, I can tell you, I'm excited to see what will be popping out at me from these sheets of pen and ink.

I'll post more in the next day or two with what I thought about the entire story - but just reading the jacket, I'm sure I'm going to love it.

If you want a chance to win a copy, all you have to do is click on this link to Angie Frazier's blogspot and read all about the contest: here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Why You Need an Agent

I just read a great post by an editorial assistant and think everyone should read it.

Click here

And here is a link to SM's webpage and one reason not to be willy-nilly about who you share your work with. Check it out (8/28/08-post) here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 Agents that Want Your Work - thanks to WD

If you're looking for an agent to represent your work, Writers Digest's Chuck Sambuchino did a great article about 28 agencies that are looking for you. You can read the entire article here

Scroll down to the 10 tips: it lists the actual agencies and what they are specifically looking for.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Commitment to the Craft - Part 4

Gloria Steinem had the foresight to say, “I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.”

But, I say, “Marriage and a career – that’s nothing, try adding kids into the equation.”

And any mother, who works and writes, has to be pretty amazing.

Pru, Piper, and Phoebe can’t even compete with most modern-day Moms.

And, unfortunately, Dads are rarely divine. So what’s a writing woman to do, to find the time to devote to her craft?

Here is my number one hint:

1) Get a laptop computer.

I have written more words with my laptop in one year than I ever wrote with a desktop computer. It’s simple. I take it with me - everywhere: outside, on vacations, out to the front room so I can go “watch” t.v. with the family, while I write.

This one device has made ALL the difference for me. You can look at a few options that start out at about $499.00 here.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Commitment to the Craft - Part 3


Critique Partners (also known as “CPs”) are, like Martha always says, a good thing.

You might think joining a group is just another commitment that will eventually take time away from your writing, but the truth is these CPs can help hold you accountable, without uttering a single word.

And, when you have a set time and place to meet, to go over your writing with others who are counting on your participation, it can help motivate you to keep that pen to the paper.

It’s easy to put things off when there is no “date” to keep. But standing someone up, takes guts. Most of us don’t want to let people down, and being a member of a group helps hold you "committed" to your writing plan.

Jackson Pearce did a really fun vlog about critiques. You can read about her here. And just click on the arrow to play it.

Enjoy! Thanks to Jackson Pearce.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Commitment to the Craft - Part 2


Wanna be a writer?
It’s easy.
What do I have to do?
Nuthin much.


Yep, it’s insanely simple. All you hafta do is commit murder.

You’re insane - asking me to kill.

That’s right, all it takes is one simple act. If you want a career in writing, all ya hafta do is be willing ta commit murder.

Killing off characters? Is that what you’re talking about?

Nope, not at all, I’m not talking about killing off some weak character. This is gonna be much more difficult than that. Remember nuthin worth having is easy. This is gonna take guts. What I’m talking about, here, is setting priorities.


You said you wanna be a writer.

Yeah, of course, but….

No buts ‘bout it. If you wanna be a writer, it’s simple. Write.

It’s not that easy.

What’s holding you back? What’s keeping you away from your keyboard right now?

Sit down and make a list (and if you’re honest with yourself) you’ll most likely see a pattern take shape. It’s something everyone does: we all waste time. Writers just need to remember: even the minutes matter. ‘Cause those ticks on the clock, they turn into hours and hours can be frittered away into days, weeks, even years. And where does all this time go? It’s spent on frivolous entertainment that has nothing to do with writing.

Think ‘bout it. How many hours per month do you spend watching television?

We all need to break dangerous addictions. Wean yourself off the daily regimen.

Remember, there’s a reason it’s been labeled the “boob tube”, “dummy box” and “opiate of the masses”.

Even if you say it’s only the late night news you watch, that’s still a half hour every day. Think about all the pages you could put together and print in three hours.

I didn’t realize how much time I was wasting sitting on the couch, propped up in front of that screen until I quit that bad habit: “cold turkey”. After dinner, instead of going into our “media room”, which is what the kids call our front room, I’ve decided to spend more time with my new-found friend: my laptop. Okay, if we’re being totally honest, really I lie down on the bed to relax before I start tapping away at the keys sitting in front of me.

Sometimes I don’t get much from my muse but, believe me, I’m putting more words on the page than I would have written if I’d been sitting out in the front room watching the latest sitcoms, shows or serials and someday I might even get those pages published. At least there’s more chance of seeing my name on a byline or my words in print if I’m spending my evenings writing than if I’m watching shows someone else wrote.

So, if you say ya wanna be a writer, then WRITE!

All ya hafta do is kill your T.V.!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Commitment to the Craft - 4 part post

Do you ever feel like one of those people in a movie who’s being drawn and quartered - I mean someone who’s being pulled in four directions at the same time?

In 1960, Mom was raising 9 kids and running her own beauty business but, looking back, the truly amazing thing is that we always wore clean clothes to school and came home to find a warm dinner on the table.

I can’t even begin to compete with her.

There’s only one possible explanation: Mom must have been using some sort of magic. I just don’t know why she never shared her secret or, more importantly, any of her spells.

I know I’m supposed to be the lucky one; today we’re all living the easy life, in a world of high technology where everything is right at our fingertips. But as I travel down this crowded information highway, using my cell phone, fax and mapquest, somehow I’m still lost. And I can’t even seem to figure out what I’m looking for.

It’s that elusive, simple, four-letter word that keeps avoiding me: time.

Maybe it’s because being a Mom is one occupation where none of the usual rules apply. What other job offers no training or has you on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no time-off or vacations? You aren’t even guaranteed an 8-hour sleep break. And there’s no financial incentive to compel you into this chaotic career choice. You can’t even expect a paycheck, commission or bonus at the end of the month. Yet educated people actually choose this occupation and, when they finally are initiated into the sisterhood, they happily celebrate the onslaught of morning sickness, nightly trips to the toilet and elastic waistbands, with a party – commonly known as a shower. And this is the only shower that you’ll share, with a bunch of other women. What could be worse?

Everyone gets to sit around and guess your ballooning weight, while you sit and smile.

Parenting is like playing in the stock market – it’s all about patience and long term investment.

With such a simple game and only one rule, it should be easy - right?


Then, if you try to add an additional goal, like writing to the mix – well, watch out. You’re in for a heap of a helping of the hurries.

Just this Saturday morning, I got up at six – on a Saturday – took the dogs for a walk (look how they’ve grown).

Then I went to my writer’s group (which I could have skipped but here's the commitment to the craft part), I'm planning to go berry picking, make some homemade jam and write. Well, somewhere something has to give – right – not necessarily so. I’m committed to my craft – or maybe I should simply be committed.
Over the next week, I’ll give tips, hints and maybe a little crazy advice on how to “Just Do It”.

If you have any helpful hints, please post them in the comments section.

And, just remember, no parent is perfect so play this game like a little league game and, when reality pitches a problem across your home plate, swing your sense of humor - that way, you may not hit a homerun but at least you’ll never strike out.

(My critique group: Pam, Ila, Jen, Kerry, Kristin, and me)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Simon and Schuster goes Gotham

There is so much talk about kids not reading, reading less, and/or reading shorter books that I thought this article was really interesting, read it here. I found it out from Kelly Mortimer's newsletter, she's not my agent, but she seems to be an amazing woman. You can read about her here. I can't wait to see her handbags, check out her soon-to-be site here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Criticism - How do you handle it?

Writer's Digest has a story "Surviving the Spite" written by Melissa Hart, a journalism teacher at the University of Oregon. You can read it here.

I met Melissa at a SCBWI writer's conference in Portland. She is such a friendly person it's hard to imagine someone being so critical of her. But I guess being in the public eye has its drawbacks.

I haven't experienced such criticism from the public - maybe I should be glad I'm not a celebrity. It's normal to want people to like us; so, it's no surprise that it would be hard to take such open hostility. I just try to remember what my Mom taught me all those years ago, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What's a Glog - I learned something new today

Lisa Schroeder of I Heart You - You Haunt Me taught me something today via Verla Kay's blueboards. I always thought glog was a mulled wine we drank at Christmas but today I found out it has another totally modern meaning. Thanks Lisa.

You can read all about it here.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Word Count - What Should Your Manuscript Be?

This is a great post by Editorial Anonymous about appropriate word counts for manuscripts and how to find out what range your manuscript should fall in. It's not a quick answer but a lesson. And, I like this answer the best because it gives you a broader range to work in rather than a cut and dry number to try to stay under. You can read it here

Friday, August 15, 2008

Agent's Mini Contest

Agent Rachelle Gardner is having a little contest on her blog.

Here's the prompt:

You are lying on the beach, soaking up the sun. A cooling breeze drifts across your body and you're deeply relaxed and content. But your peace is interrupted by a shadow that abruptly blocks the sun from your face. You open your eyes, squinting, looking up and trying to see who or what is blocking you. It's the one person you never expected to see here...

→ 300 words max.
→ Submit your entry in the comments to the contest post.
→ Deadline is next Wednesday, August 20th at 11:59pm ET.
→ WordServe clients can enter but are not eligible for the prize. (Sorry!)
→ Rachelle will choose one winner around Monday, August 25th.
→ Winner can choose an evaluation of ten pages of their work, or a $20 Amazon gift card.

Write2Ignite - Writer's Conference

I will be speaking at a Writer's Conference in November and wanted to share the link. I am so excited to be able to meet new people, talk with so many different people and have an opportunity to learn from all the people who will be attending.

You'll have to scroll to the bottom of the page to read my little blurb.

If you want to read more about it, please click here

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An Editor's Opinion of What Makes The Perfect Author

This is fun to read. Editorial Ass posted this a while ago, but it's still a great thing for new writers to read.

Read it here.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Publisher's Weekly Sneak Peek for 2009 Children's Books

If you want to write for children or if you do, you'll find this interesting.

Read about the upcoming books here

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Take Five Panel - Top Tips from RWA

Great 5 top tips from different agents to help make you a more successful writer.

Check this one here

Check out this one to right here

Interesting Self-Publishing Article

This is an interesting article. Click here