It was a disaster. And, a food final FAIL. Well. . .almost. I actually passed the class but only by an inch.
One night my frosting was too thin then the next night my frosting was so thick my piping bags burst from the pressure. You can tell by looking at my day lilies:

I worked all week and then went to cake class . . . tired. And of course my frosting had to be a total fail that week - with Friday as my final.
Okay, I know, a food final is no big deal in the scheme of life but when you've spent a boatload of time preparing frosting and flowers, it's hard to have things flop. But that's the way the cookie-Um, I mean, cake, crumbles.
Well, I muddled through as best I could and on Friday I finished my cake. It wasn't how I'd envisioned it but it was fun and oh well, it was the best I could do. I guess I'm going to have to accept the fact that I'll never be a match for Duff or the Cake Boss.
My teacher said my cake looked like an explosion - of flowers.

Not a compliment. Plus she said no one would want to eat those colors. She says, "People prefer pastels."
I told her, "My kids will eat it." And they did - at least some of it.
Plus, here's a preview of what I hope to have on my blog this week: How to Make an Ice Cream Cake. This cake turned out much prettier - at least that's what I think.
Of course, my teacher also said, "No one wants to eat a blue cake."
I'm such a rebel ;)
And, Mackenzie came to the rescue with her ice cream skills.

Mackenzie used to work for Baskin Robbins. So she got paid to learn how to make cakes - while I paid to learn how to make cakes. Shows you who's smarter.
So, if you're interested in learning how to make a cake for a hot day that will surely satisfy the senses, come back and watch my vlog (video-blog) with Mackenzie doing the ice cream culinary-licious work - later this week. I ran out of time to upload it to Youtube. But here's a small taste of what's to come: