It looks deceptively like a cabinet, at least that's what I think. In truth, it's a bed hidden inside a vertical frame. This is a Murphy Bed.
My husband and son wanted to build one. And, for whatever reason, I didn't realize what a big project it would be. Now, that's saying something because we've taken on a few ambitious remodeling jobs in our days. Anyway, I thought it would be a couple of hours and
voila we'd have a new bedroom thanks for the wall hanging bed. But it wasn't quite as easy as I thought it would be.
If you're curious, watch the video below or visit my YouTube channel. But here are a few of the photos from the project, including the handles on the door, which my son created from some of the leftover wood they used to make the bed.

Here is the bed frame being made
And here is the entire movie of the process. I hope you find this interesting because I sure did.
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