Join Us As We Read The Bible

Spend 5 Minutes in the Bible Today

History Doesn't Repeat But it Rhymes with Elon

Spend 10-Minutes in the Bible Today

READING THE BIBLE-1st Kings Cptr. 2

King David's Successor: Solomon

The Legacy of Lust & Punishment of King David

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones. . . Reading the Bible

The Christmas story - Luke Chapter 2 - in the Bible


The Ark of the Covenant - Reading the Bible This Year

The Resurrection of Jesus is the Good News of the Bible

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ - Mark Chapter 15

What does God Say about righteous Anger? Read Mark 11

Divorce - What Does God Say About it? Mark 10

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mark 9

Demons, Dogs & Deafness - Bible Discussion Today

Jesus Walks on Water - READING THE BIBLE - Mark 6

Demon-Possessed Man Gets Healed - Mark 5 - READING THE BIBLE


A Story About a Giant Battling a Boy - David & Goliath


Mark Chapter 2 - Jesus Heals

Christ's Resurrection - READING THE BIBLE THIS YEAR

The Death of Jesus and Judas Hangs Himself

THE LAST SUPPER - Matthew 26 - Reading the Bible

DIVORCE-What does the Bible Say

The Supernatural Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

The Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

Jesus Walks on Water-Matthew 14

Curious about Demons? Join us as we Read the Bible

Forgiveness in the Bible



Curious What the Bible Says about Prophesy?

Reading the Bible - Revelation 17 - The Woman on the Beast

7 Angels & 7 Plagues - The Tribulation in the Bible

The Angel of the Lord at Bokim - Reading the Bible

666 - The Number of the Beast - READING THE BIBLE

Joshua's Farewell-Reading the Bible this Year

The Woman and The Dragon - READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR

The Two Witnesses for God - Revelation 11

The Angel & The Little Scroll - Revelation 10

Misunderstandings Can Start Wars - Joshua Chapter 22

Cities of Refuge: Joshua Chapter 20


The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 5

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15 seconds

Revelation Chapter 2 - Angels, Stars, & the Future

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 Tips to Enjoy a Writer's Conference

I know, attending conferences can be overwhelming. There's so much you hope to get out of it: information, networking opportunities and tools for your craft. But if you expect too much, you're bound to be disappointed. So don't set your expectations too high. If you do, you'll get your attitude all out of whack. Go hoping to learn a little, while making some new friends along the way, and you'll be bound to get your money's worth.

I'm not saying I know it all--that would be crazy--but I've gone to a few writer's conferences and I remember my first. I was nervous. So, I thought it couldn't hurt if I shared a couple ideas that might help you.

1) Wear comfortable shoes.
You'll be walking from one session to another and wanting to check out the book sales so don't make it hard on yourself.

2) Just like number 1 above, wear comfortable clothing.
Nothing too formal. Of course that doesn't mean sloppy either. The perfect thing would be business casual.

3) Join a table with others. You'll have more fun if you share the experience with others.

4) Speak up. Don't be afraid to comment or share ideas, if you're asked.

5) Bring a business card to hand out.
It doesn't have to have more than basic information: your name, number, email address. That way, if you make a connection, you can provide your contact information easily.

6) Have a positive attitude
. Even if the conference doesn't turn out to be everything you'd hoped, you can still get something out of the event. Sometimes the end result will come much later.

Bring a couple first pages of your manuscript. You might not need them but you never know and if an opportunity presents itself, you'll be prepared.

8) Don't forget to bring the tools of your trade: paper, pencils and a pen.
You might want to take notes - even if you aren't a note-taker you might hear something that inspires you and, if you don't write it down, you might forget.

9) Introduce yourself.
If you're standing in an elevator, in line at lunch or waiting to buy a cup of coffee, say 'hello' and you might make a new friend who has similar interests.

10) Relax.
This is supposed to be fun.

If anyone else has an idea or two - please add them to the "comments" section.

1 comment:

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm HORRIBLE at meeting new people. I attended my first SCBWI event a few weeks ago and I knew nobody. I did strike up a conversation with a really sweet girl, but she was at a completely different place in her career. The people who were further along and had been writing a while were already a close-knit group.