History Doesn't Repeat But it Rhymes with Elon

Spend 10-Minutes in the Bible Today

READING THE BIBLE-1st Kings Cptr. 2

King David's Successor: Solomon

The Legacy of Lust & Punishment of King David

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones. . . Reading the Bible

The Christmas story - Luke Chapter 2 - in the Bible


The Ark of the Covenant - Reading the Bible This Year

The Resurrection of Jesus is the Good News of the Bible

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ - Mark Chapter 15

What does God Say about righteous Anger? Read Mark 11

Divorce - What Does God Say About it? Mark 10

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mark 9

Demons, Dogs & Deafness - Bible Discussion Today

Jesus Walks on Water - READING THE BIBLE - Mark 6

Demon-Possessed Man Gets Healed - Mark 5 - READING THE BIBLE


A Story About a Giant Battling a Boy - David & Goliath


Mark Chapter 2 - Jesus Heals

Christ's Resurrection - READING THE BIBLE THIS YEAR

The Death of Jesus and Judas Hangs Himself

THE LAST SUPPER - Matthew 26 - Reading the Bible

DIVORCE-What does the Bible Say

The Supernatural Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

The Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

Jesus Walks on Water-Matthew 14

Curious about Demons? Join us as we Read the Bible

Forgiveness in the Bible



Curious What the Bible Says about Prophesy?

Reading the Bible - Revelation 17 - The Woman on the Beast

7 Angels & 7 Plagues - The Tribulation in the Bible

The Angel of the Lord at Bokim - Reading the Bible

666 - The Number of the Beast - READING THE BIBLE

Joshua's Farewell-Reading the Bible this Year

The Woman and The Dragon - READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR

The Two Witnesses for God - Revelation 11

The Angel & The Little Scroll - Revelation 10

Misunderstandings Can Start Wars - Joshua Chapter 22

Cities of Refuge: Joshua Chapter 20


The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 5

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15 seconds

Revelation Chapter 2 - Angels, Stars, & the Future

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Four Days In - And I'm Hopelessly BEHIND


I don't want to get caught with my pants down on November 30th. I've got a goal to reach. And it's an ugly fact to face.

NaNoWriMo has only just begun and I'm already falling hopelessly behind. My word count today is only 1455, not bad for a couple days of writing butt, as you can see, I'm having trouble staying on-target.

This 1500-or so--words per day thing isn't as easy as you might think. What was I thinking...? I can't keep up. Between working all day, coming home, cleaning, cooking...butt wait...

I can't give up.

Not yet. I'm no quitter.

Besides the weekend is coming. I can always catch up then. It's the hare, after all, that actually wins the race...write...?

And, I have some time-off coming up. I can use those days to reach my word count. All I have to do is re-double my efforts.

I'm hoping, with that little extra work, I'll be able to get back on track. The only problem is this race is steeper than any 5 or 10K I've ever run.

In truth, maybe I knew what I was in for. "FOF"--That's probably the real reason I didn't register (officially) for this challenge: Fear Of Failure. I still want to see what I can do.

All I need to remember are those famous Nike words, "Just Do It".

After all, I want to be a writer: A Word Warrior.

I've just got to get my BIC ("Butt In Chair") and get busy.

I can do better - I'll just use the weekend to catch-up, at least a little.

Anyone else out there trying to keep up...?

Throw me a couple tidbits of advice. Any hints, tips or tricks you're using to stay on task, to run this course and win this race?

And, if you have any helpful words, put them in the comments section, if you can spare 'em. After all, I can use all the extra words you're willing to throw my way. Maybe I can even think of a way to work them into my daily word-count ;)


David Batista said...

I'm in the same boat with you, Kim. Although I wouldn't stress about it. Like I said before, word counts mean nothing to me. I'm 4 days into my own WiP, and all I have is 2,500 words to account for. Butt . . . no big deal, I say.

This is why I didn't join NaNoWriMo, either. I can't be bothered with word count deadlines. Like you, I work all day, come home and exercise for an hour, cook dinner, eat, and then get 2 hours at the end of the night to actually focus on the novel. Last night I came crawling into bed, bleary eyed and drained, at 12:30 am for a 6:30 wakeup. Now I'm about to rinse and repeat the whole day all over again.

However, I know me. And I know there's no chance of my giving up on this project. Yes, pretty bold words for a first-timer novelist . . . but if you combine all the short stories I've written over the past 2 years, it equals 2.5 novels anyway. LOL! :)

My only advice is to ignore advice. Do your own thing and don't worry about deadlines. I myself am trying to cut back on the edit-as-I-write urge, though. I know you do this too, so maybe we should both cut back on that?

Waddaya say?

Anonymous said...

Good luck--there's a reason I couldn't take this challenge on this year! BIC is exactly the trick.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Thanks David and GG.

Self-editing is my problem in this challenge. You have to keep moving toward the finish line and I keep stalling...

I'm going to try not to edit...so much ;)

Christina Farley said...

Absolutely. Think weekend! That's what I'm doing. I'm going to force myself to get up early on Sat and Sun. I get so much done then. Plus my hubby has promised to take the kids for a while on Saturday.

You can do it!

Kelly Polark said...

That picture CRACKs me up!
Good luck, Kim!
If Nano forces you to write more than you usually do, you are a winner. No ifs, ands, or butts about it! :)

Kimbra Kasch said...

CF: I never seemed to find the time - until my kids went to college- you're awe...mazing.

Kelly:) You CRACK me up :)