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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tasty Tuesday

The Danes always celebrate with a cheer. They raise their glasses and instead of saying "Cheers" they say "Skol", usually serving alcohol that's been frozen inside a block of ice. It is very similar to what we think of as Schnapps but some people might think it's similar to lighter fluid.

My husband moved to America from Denmark when he was a kid and became an American Citizen during his senior year in high school. Since we got married, we've been involved in different Danish Cultural Societies such as the Northwest Danish Foundation and

DAVS: Danish American Vintage Society


Saturday was one of those days when we got together to celebrate, with other Danish American couples. It was a TASTY TUESDAY with a Danish Food Fest.

DAVS is a group of people involved in feasting in the Danish tradition. The group consists of mostly mixed married couples - from dual cultures: one American/one Dane.

One of the traditional foods usually served in Denmark is smorgasbord or open-faced sandwiches.


Lisa Nowak said...

Lighter fluid. Ah, you crack me up.

Somebody gave me a jar of moonshine when I lived in North Carolina. Apple brandy. It smelled like the most delicious cider, and it tasted like nail polish remover.

Bish Denham said...

Ah, so that's where we get the word smorgasbord! It's interesting that your husband is Danish and I come from the Virgin Islands a place once owned by Denmark.

Anonymous said...

That European booze is dangerous stuff. I always say NO to it!

Patricia J. Weaver said...

My husband's family (on his daddy side) came from Iron City, TN and were well known for moonshine. I think some of his cousins might still make it. Green Girl, forgot that European booze... stay away from moonshine.. it makes your nose bleed and your teeth run through you lip... at least that is what my husband says... I've never tasted the stuff. I loved at your pic of food.. yummmm it is lunch time here in Alabama

Kristi said...

I love it! I've taught my toddler to say "cheers"...perhaps we should work on "skol"!

PS-there's a goodie waiting for you on my blog today!

Kelly Polark said...

Mmmmm, looks like a yummy spread!

MG Higgins said...

What I want to know is how you then get the alcohol out of the block of ice. Drill holes and use straws?

Rena Jones said...

That's really neat how you're so active with other couples like that. LOL @ the lighter fluid.

Kimbra Kasch said...

MG: They take a gallon of milk and cut off the top to the jug. Then they fill it with water and put the bottle of schnapps inside. Only the water freezes, not the alcohol.

Then they cut away the plastic jug and serve the alcohol, holding the ice with an oven mitt. It's a pretty impressive way to pour a drink :)

Simcha said...

This was a great post. I love reading about the traditions of different cultures.

Angela said...

Here in Germany we have a New Year's tradition of watching a skit DINNER FOR ONE there is a character in the skit (shadow character let's say) who says Skol many many times!