HAPPY MAY DAY!!! During the Middle Ages, English villages all had Maypoles and they would compete against one another to see who had the best.
Today, kids celebrate the day by moving back and forth around the pole, intertwining streamers or ribbons.
This tradition of celebrating May Day by dancing and singing survived as part of the English tradition. Some places still select a May queen, and kids still secretly hang baskets of flowers on the doorknobs of neighbors. We used to make little paper cone vases, when I was a kid, and fill them with flowers from the yard. We'd staple a ribbon on it to hang it from the neighbors' doors.
If you want to visit a garden to celebrate but you can't get out today, try cybervisiting this garden carpet in Brussels. Just click on the floral carpet tab to see this amazing site. And Happy May Day everyone!!
Summer is almost here. Maybe some of you will be doing home remodeling projects. If you are, look into recycling centers that will take your discarded items. Here, in Portland, we use the Rebuilding Center. You might have such a business in your area. If you do, let me know. I always love to read about Green companies. And, check out the Energy Trust of Oregon.
Happy May Day! I greeted all my students with that as they walked in the door. It's Korean Labor Day here.
Fabulous carpet! And Happy May Day.
I always wondered what those poles meant! Happy May Day, Miss Kim
We are celebrating May Day with torrential rains. In Oklahoma, it's a good thing. We need all the rain we can get. Just wouldn't mind a patch of blue today. I loved May Day as a kid.
Brussels and the floral carpet look beautiful!
Happy May Day!
I remember making May Day baskets as a child. I just read about them again in the book Little Heathens!
I remember doing the Maypole in school. We always got tangled up.
I alway wondered about the lore of May Day! A beautiful tradition and thoughtful eco advice.
I love the flower carpet! Happy May Day to you!
Thanks for helping me celebrate May Day!
My elementary school always did the May Pole -- I remember having to practice it every year. Lots of fun and it looks so pretty when it's finished.
I begin on internet with a directory
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