Reading the Bible-The Division of land of the Children of Israel

Our Daily Reading of the Bible

CHAOTIC TIMES - READ the Bible with Us for Peace

Join Us As We Read Through the Bible This Year

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Lies, Trickery & Deception

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Ai Destroyed

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Joshua 7 - Greed, Theft & Punishment

Reading the Bible- Talking about Atlantis, Math & More

Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Another Repurposed Craft

If you have any old pillowcase that is ripped or torn and is too pretty to be thrown away, simply make a new pocket pillow re-using that old portion that is too pretty to be thrown away. All you have to do is sew a simple half-pillow case and slip it over a pillow to make a pocket for books, goodies or other surprises to be placed inside for your guests.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Go Green - With a Popcorn Treat


1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup light corn syrup
23 cups of popped corn
2 teaspoons of green food coloring
1/2 cup of green m-n-m's
green candy

Heat the water and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat until the sugar turns clear and the mixture looks like water, add in the corn syrup and heat until clear. Pour in food coloring. With the popped corn in a heat resistance bowl (like stainless steel) pour the green sugar mixture over the popped corn and stir well. Let cool for ten minutes then add the green candy and serve.

Happy St. Paddy's Day


Saturday, March 1, 2014

A dress made from an old man's shirt

Okay, I'm not a model and I don't do this dress justice but it is so cool to wear something that was destined for the landfills. At Camp Hollyhock they repurpose old clothing and make it "seam" like new again ;D

All it takes is a little embellishing and some tea...or so I'm told. Anyway, if you are in Portland, you have to check out this shop over in Sellwood. It is so "green" and if you want a way to celebrate St. Paddy's day - this is definitely the way to do it by buying green and getting some great clothing at the same time.

I love these clothes so much that I've blogged about Camp Hollyhock before but I just might do it again.

And, okay, maybe I should have belted the dress - but this is it without any help from me.

But it is "sew" comfortable and I love the idea of wearing repurposed clothing.

How 'bout you?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's so simple to celebrate

It's so simple to celebrate. All you need is some colored salt or sugar and use a little lime juice and then dip your glass in the colored seasoning - sudden celebration!

With St. Paddy's day just around the corner, it's nice to have some green salt on hand. We use it to rim our margaritas. And suddenly a simple drink can seem like a celebration in a glass.

Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. CHEERS!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wrap it Up

What do you do when you only have one skein of yarn? I make a collar. It's simple. You knit like you're going to make a scarf only not nearly as long, then you sew a little button on it and WAH-LAH a new collar to dress up any shirt or sweater.

They are fun and inexpensive and it's an easy way to use up some of that yarn that you have sitting around and haven't figured out what to do with it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Skirting the Issue

I wanted a new skirt but I didn't want to pay $59.00 to get one. So I pulled out one of my favorite skirts and laid it out on some brown fabric to use for a pattern.

This wrinkled gray skirt is one of my favs. So I cut the shape out in the brown fabric. And then I used some green yarn in the waistband so I could sew it inside out and then pull it through easily using the yarn.

Then I stitched the waistband to the main fabric and Wah-lah! I had a new skirt that I paired with some ankle boots and I was pleased for $12.00. Not a bad deal.

Monday, February 24, 2014

SCBWI Scholarship for Annual Conference - Deadline 3.1.14

If you're interested in attending the annual conference but you're running short of money, check out this site. There are forms for you to apply for a scholarship. And do it quickly because the deadline is March 1, 2014.

Good luck! And hope to see you at the conference.