CHAOTIC TIMES - READ the Bible with Us for Peace

Join Us As We Read Through the Bible This Year

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Lies, Trickery & Deception

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Ai Destroyed

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Joshua 7 - Greed, Theft & Punishment

Reading the Bible- Talking about Atlantis, Math & More

Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sharing the Love

I have a couple of old swimsuits that I don't wear any more. I don't want to just throw them out so I'm thinking "how can I repurpose at least a portion of these things?"

I'm thinking Valentine's Day is just around the, I'm making plans to cut the swimsuit up and use some of the lycra-like fabric to make cards.

I'll work on this project this weekend. But...if you have any better ideas. Let me know.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Not to Wear

Like most things in life, there's a trick to running and it doesn't have anything to do with athleticism or even stamina. No kidding.

It has everything to do with preparation. And, I'm not talking about the training, which, believe me, is important.

And, maybe at 50 I'm a little old and a little too fat to be training for my very first marathon. But, like I always tell my kids when I'm quoting George Eliot the English novelist (1819 - 1880), "It's never too late to become what you might have been", I'm taking the Nike motto to heart. I'm "just do(ing) it". And it's a serious challenge.

So, telling someone What Not to Wear is easy, at least when it comes to running.

What Not to Wear:

1) Combat boots;
2) High heels;
3) Soccer cleats;
4) An evening gown (who even has these...maybe movie stars);
5) Heavy clothes;
6) or even jeans

(See, EZ-smeazy)

But explaining what someone should wear is something else entirely.

Of course anyone starting a new exercise program should just wear what's comfortable. Because starting is the hardest part of the workout.

But, how do you know what's comfortable unless someone gives you a little guidance. And, that someone should be someone who's been doing the sport for a while.

Anyway, when I first started running, I wore whatever I had. There's no need to run out and buy new gear until you've been doing it for a while. But, equipment can make a difference or, at least, it can make the sport easier.

But, I'm not trying to talk people into wasting a lot of money. If you're working out and you're happy with what you've got, then need to read on. But, if you're like me and you're trying to work up to a marathon, you might want to listen because running that 26.2 mile challenge is a good excuse to gear-up and, believe me, I need all the help I can get.

So, here are a few tips that I use and I'm hoping this might help you too.

Here's what I wear when I go for a run.

First, like most women, I have to wear some support (and this is serious)

Then I wear a tank top that breathes (it's a special material that wicks away sweat. It's called Climalite) because who wants to be sticky and sweaty and cold when they run? Not me.

Next I wear ear warmers. Not a hat. A hat is too hot for me. But, when I start out I'm cold so ear warmers are just enough.

Of course I have to wear running pants

These ones are my favorite because they have a little pocket where I can stash my house key and a debit card. These are important, especially if I'm going for a long run.

And one of the most important things for me is my running shoes. Being as old as I am and as heavy as I am, I need a lot of support so I don't wear out my joints or damage my knees.

And of course it's winter right now so I have to wear gloves. These are special running gloves that let the air flow through but keep my hands warm and toasty too

And, the reason I did this post, is I read another friend's post (JenontheEdge) and she said she wears wool socks when she runs. I know this sounds like foo-foo overkill, but I wear special running socks. When my sister first told me about them I thought it was silly but now that I've worn them, I swear by them. They are compression socks that won't slip or slide so no more blisters.

And just in case you can't tell which is which, they're labeled for ease of dressing (honestly - I'm really not that stupid, but I think it's funny) ;)

And, I almost never run without micoach.

It has a heartrate monitor so you never go too high into the danger zone

And, it has a stride sensor which I clip on my tanktop

I wear headphones so micoach can tell me how far I've run, what pace I'm running at, how many calories I've burnt and the time I've been running. This is the best accessory for any runner in training I can recommend.

Next I wear a lightweight running jacket and my sunglasses then I'm set - well as soon as I leash up Sasha. Then the two of us are on our way

I hope this helps all you wannabe runners out there. Happy trails to you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Coverup

These are some handy coverups.

Or fingerless gloves that are great for gals and guys.

My MIL made these ones and I've been telling her she should create an Etsy...

Whadaya think?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Movie Review Monday - WAR HORSE

War Horse is an emotional, tear-jerking drama. Of course, with a name like War Horse, you don't expect a comedy. But for an animal lover it is a hard show to watch.

My daughter and I used to have our own horses (a paint and a quarter horse) so this was more difficult than I expected because Joey looked a lot like our paint. But, I tried to remind myself that a lot of this story would be absolutely impossible.

If he had been a quarter horse, maybe... this War Horse might have been able to pull a plow through rocky terrain but a thoroughbred...? I doubt it. They're built for speed not strength.

Of course, I believe animals are very smart. And, I wasn't at all surprised that Joey would remember Colin. That seemed very real to me. But, talk about being born under a dark cloud...this seemed like a horrific example of tragedy after tragedy.

All-in-all, I would definitely recommend this show. At it's core, it's a story about a boy and his first love (it could have been a dog - but in this case it was a horse). And, I love that he wasn't a cowboy. This relationship was built on more than driving cattle. It was a bond that started from birth.

Some of the cinematography reminded me of Gone With the Wind. It was epic.

I really enjoyed War Horse and I hope you do too. If you see it, let me know what you think, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Blast

Jacques Cousteau...a blast from the past. I didn't even realize he was a forgotten icon.

I was telling my kids that their father was listening to a lecture by Alexandra Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau's granddaughter.

"Who is Jacques Cousteau?" They asked.

"You don't know who Jacques Cousteau is...was?" I was shocked.

"No," they shrugged.

I guess that's what a public school education gets you.

No...I just couldn't believe it. I'd grown up with Jacques Cousteau and Lloyd Bridges and Sea Hunt and The Under Water World of Jacques Cousteau. But...that was years ago.

Still, "Don't you know who invented the S.c.u.b.a. gear?" (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)

Captain Cousteau was a pioneer in protecting the planet and preserving the oceans.

"If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed and if we are not willing to change, we will disappear from the face of the globe, to be replaced by the insect."
Jacques Yves Cousteau

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Late . . .

I didn't finish a couple projects in time for regular holiday gift giving but I finally finished them.

This first one is a short scarf I made for my daughter. It only took one skein of yarn. Then I bought a cute wooden button so she could clip it around her neck to keep out the cold breeze.

Then I made another scarf for someone special. I'm hoping to get it to her tomorrow night.

I'm thinking better late than never. Or. . . better warm than freezing :)

How 'bout you - any projects you're still working on...?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Word for Wednesday

WORD: Mompetition

What does it mean?

Do you know?

Take a guess, then scroll down to see the answer



Here's the answer, according to the Urban Dictionary:

The one-up rivalry that moms play making their child seem better, smarter, and/ or more advanced than yours. May involve two or more moms and any number of children, even full-grown.

She engaged me in mompetition insisting her son walked at 6 months and implying my son was slow for his age.