Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reunions and Get-togethers

This weekend was my husband's 30 year reunion. We kicked off the celebration by heading out to Scappoose to grab a bite to eat at the Varsity Grill and Pub. Some people went to the Homecoming football game. Not me. It was too cold for me to sit outside on those bleachers back 30 years ago and you can forget about getting me out there on those cold hard seats nowadays.

But it was so much fun sitting and chatting with "kids" I got to know through my husband at UofO, back in 1979-83. A lot of the Scappoose clan came to our wedding in the spring of 1983. In fact one of them was a bridesmaid. So, it was a lot of fun catching up and going down memory lane.

I hope we get together again - not waiting another 30 years or so. :)

Have any of you gone to reunions lately? What did you think? What was the most memorable thing you experienced?

Friday, October 2, 2009

EARTH-FRIENDLY FRIDAY - Bicycle Diaries by David Byrne

Wednesday night I went to the Bagdad Theater to hear David Byrne talk about Biking around the world. His novel The Bicycle Diaries should be an interesting read. Books that David said inspired him were 20 Minutes in Manhattan, The Death & Life of Great American Cities and The Timeless Way of Building.

One of his best points was that if you ride your bike, you will have a closer reference point with your surroundings. He says that you will be more inclined to stop and enjoy the environment and get to know the people in your community along the way.

I was even luckier though, there was an entire panel of speakers at the event. One person I found thoroughly interesting was Mia Birk. You should check out all she has done to get biking into the forefront of Portland's concerns.

This was an interesting evening with a lot of great talk about biking in Portland, Oregon.

So, why not park your car for a day and try biking around? Let me know if you start to feel like an 8 year-old again. Flying through the air, on two wheels. . .

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I love holidays - all of them. And I decorate like crazy - maybe I am, crazy.

Here's a few photos from Halloween over the years.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Answer to Word for Wednesday

Answer: Agrophile is something which lives or thrives in cultivated soil.

Word for Wednesday

Word: Agrophile

Take a guess - what do you think it means?

Put your guess in the "comments" section and come back around 3:00 to see.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tip for Tuesday - Writing Related - Thanks to John Potter

Quotation Marks and Punctuation: Commas and periods always go inside the closing quotation mark in Standard American English form. All other forms of punctuation not actually part of the quoted material go outside the closing quotation mark.

For Example:

I found the passage, "Always do right!"
Please review Exhibit "A."
I don't agree with "computers are useless"; however, this could be the case.
"Witty," "clever," "amusing," and "hilarious" are her favorite adjectives.