Wednesday night I went to the Bagdad Theater to hear David Byrne talk about Biking around the world. His novel The Bicycle Diaries should be an interesting read. Books that David said inspired him were 20 Minutes in Manhattan, The Death & Life of Great American Cities and The Timeless Way of Building.
One of his best points was that if you ride your bike, you will have a closer reference point with your surroundings. He says that you will be more inclined to stop and enjoy the environment and get to know the people in your community along the way.
I was even luckier though, there was an entire panel of speakers at the event. One person I found thoroughly interesting was Mia Birk. You should check out all she has done to get biking into the forefront of Portland's concerns.
This was an interesting evening with a lot of great talk about biking in Portland, Oregon.
So, why not park your car for a day and try biking around? Let me know if you start to feel like an 8 year-old again. Flying through the air, on two wheels. . .