There are many tips, tricks and hints to getting published and you can find differing points of view any place you look but here is a golden nugget I received early on in my writing career and it's very similar to Nike's motto of "Just Do It". The tip is not to worry about finding an agent, getting published or even how you're going to market the book and brand yourself. The best tip I ever got was:
"Write the BOOK!"
Nothing else matters until you have a "product" to publish. You shouldn't worry over word count, fret over format or stress over sequence. Just write the book. It will definitely need to be read-over, revised and re-revised before its ready. So, don't get hung up on the small stuff. Until you have pages to read, you don't have anything to work with.
I've written or maybe I should say I've had 5 books published-one is even on audible. But, I've written many more than 5 books. The truth is not everything we write will ever see the light of a printing press, publishing house or book store.
But don't worry about that. Just Write the Book! No matter what, you'll be polishing and perfecting your craft, building a better brand, and working to create a truly beautiful book.
And here's one more tip, which applies to life as well as to writing:
Attitude is Everything
Remember telling a story is all about a journey, and we should all take the time to enjoy our own trip down the path to publication. Writers are creative people and most creative people are bound to suffer some rejection - but it's what we do with the experience that molds us into the storytellers and people we become.
I'm not saying you have to enjoy rejection - that would be impossible - at least for me but we can all learn something from our experiences in life.
Remember falling down is an accident - staying down is a choice.
When you receive a rejection, don't let it keep you down. Consider any helpful feedback, process it and then move on. But most important off all, Just
Write the Book!