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Showing posts with label TU PUBLISHING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TU PUBLISHING. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Tu Publishing: a new independent small press that will publish multicultural fantasy & science fiction for children & young adults.

They're on Twitter, too!

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I'm just passing on some info I got from my local SCBWI for all my writer friends out there in cyberspace. Here it is:

"I just wanted to announce that my new small press, which you may have heard about last fall when we were raising money through Kickstarter, is now open for submissions. We will focus on diverse science fiction and fantasy for children and young adults--that is, science fiction and fantasy that features characters and settings about people of color and/or non-Western cultures (including minority US subcultures). As you may be aware of from discussion in the blogosphere over the last couple of years, there's a gap in children's literature, especially speculative fiction, for such books, and we'd like to be a part of filling it out.

Here's our submission guidelines:

Please make sure to browse our blog at to get an idea of the kinds of books we're looking for. Because we (obviously) don't have a backlist yet, we've been interviewing writers and bloggers and posting lists of books we recommend so that you can get a better idea of our tastes.

If you've been working on a manuscript that would fit our needs, please consider submitting. Note that we do NOT take initial email submissions, so please do not reply to this email with queries--please use the snail mail address in our submission guidelines. We hope to have an electronic submissions system up and running soon, but until we do, snail mail works best for us.

Thanks, and happy new year!

Stacy Whitman
Editorial Director
Tu Publishing"

So submit away, and good luck!