We all want to have cute clothes and fancy footwear for our kids, especially as they head back to school. I remember back - and it was a long time ago - to the first day of school and how I wanted to wear my BEST new outfit. But in my Real World, Mom and Dad didn't have a lot of money and, with nine kids, we were lucky to have a new pair of shoes and a couple pairs of underpants - which I always thought was strange, Mom wanted us to have new underwear.
"But, no one even sees that," I'd whine.
Grandma would say, "You might end up in the hospital with soiled, torn underwear."
Like that would be the worst thing if I was in an accident. I'd tell her, "Besides, if I'm in an accident, that new, clean, underwear might be soiled anyway."
Anyway, it's not always EZ to buy those cute clothes we want our kids to have. So, I learned a few things about recrafting what I had. And, here's a great idea for all you knitters/crocheters out there. Just knit or crochet a little rim around plain socks to make them stand out.

And, if you can't knit or crochet just buy a short yard of ribbon or beading at your local fabric store and handstitch it in place.
It will make multiple pack-socks look like designer wear and you can personalize those socks even more with buttons or charms. It's EZ and a fun project to do.