I didn’t really drink at all - until my kids became teenagers – I just looked drunk, all the time: stumbling around in a sleep-deprived fog, bloodshot eyes, clothes all disheveled.
I even remember wearing two different shoes to work one morning, when I'd been up all night with one of the kids. That might not seem too horrible - if you're thinking one shoe was just a slightly different shade than the other, like blue and black. But that wasn't the case. This scene was much MUCH worse.
One shoe was a flat and one was a pump.
I hobbled in the door: up-and-down, up-and-down, all the way to my desk. Even that wouldn't be so bad, if I worked behind a counter where no one could see my feet. But, I work in a law office, where we are supposed to look professional.
Maybe it was then that I gave up all my hopes of being a perfect parent. I'm no longer a strict tea-tottaler and that's another word from my Mom.
On a hot summer night, and not all of them, I love a salty margarita. And on a cold winter’s night, I love a Kahlua and Coffee.
But there’s one drink I remember Mom talking about in the winter, when cold and flu season hit. She'd pull out the Brandy and Lemon juice. She said it was her cure for the common cold and I remember her giving us kids a mixture of the liquid - but only a tablespoon full, or so.
It was the Hot Toddy
I always thought Mom made up the name of THE HOT TODDY because my brother's name was Todd and Mom always played games with names, so it wouldn't have been such a stretch.
My name is Kimbra Fay - my little sister's name is Tambra Kay and that's just the beginning.
Did you know today is National Hot Toddy Day?
:) It brought back a lot of nearly forgotten memories for me.
7 months ago