I even love the name of this book and two of the authors were at the book signing panel, which took place Sunday, October 14th at Powell's Books in Beaverton: Malinda Lo and Cindy Pon.
But the full panel included: Mette Ivie Harrison, Cindy Pon, Janni Lee Simner, Sarah Rees Brennan and Malinda Lo. And all of these women write about strong female characters!!! and if that's not cool, I don't know what is. Plus, Sarah Rees Brennan kept me laughing while she talked about her new book Unspoken. So, now I have another book on my TBR list.
This great panel of speakers had just come from the Sirens Conference, which now I want to go to next year and was sorry I missed it this year because these speakers were funtabulous. Between skits and humorous anctedotes all of these women told powerful stories about writing, their characters and they even shared part of there lives, like the fact that Mette Harrison is an Iron Man Athlete! Crazy strong female character herself. They also talked about speculative fiction and writing in that field: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and/or Horror.
I bought a copy of Diverse Energies because Cindy Pon is one of the authors and after Silver Phoenix and Fury of the Phoenix, you have to have something else of hers to read...right? It also didn't hurt that Malinda Lo has one of her stories in the book. Plus I think anthologies are always fun and diverse... ;D because you have different authors with different stories to tell from different perspectives.And Cindy and Malinda both signed the copy for me :D
7 months ago