Went and saw the movie. It was super cute. I LOVED it. A great show to go see for a girl's night out.
First, a couple girlfriends came for dinner. We had fondue - or more like fondon't. I took the recipe out of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and I wouldn't add Nutmeg again. I love how she said add "a pinch" I guess I pinched too large a peckle of nutmeg 'cause it sure tasted a tad too sweet. Maybe it's because I use Nutmeg more for the holidays but it just didn't taste like it belonged in a cheese dip - which is what fondue is supposed to be.
Then we had artichoke's, I didn't quite make it to the Hollandaise sauce, which was supposed to be served in the center. I just used melted butter and mayonnaise -similar but not the true thing.
So we ate and had a glass of wine and we were on our way. Great night.
7 months ago