I have so much information I want to share with all of you. I can't possibly get it into one or even two posts. I feel like I was bombarded with information - which is GREAT but there's so much. I want to start by sharing just a few photos and then I will begin uploading podcasts I took of the guest speakers, who were all amazing!
Here is Newberry Prize winning author Kirby Larson, check out Newbery Honor Book, Hattie Big Sky. Kirby Larson is pictured with Michele Kophs.

I've also included a few other photos. Author Eric Kimmel, is shown.

Here is Lisa Schroeder of I Heart You, You Haunt Me, with Lisa Madigan and another photo of
Roseanne Parry, Lisa Schroeder and Zu Vincent.

Mother Reader was there too.
And these are only a few of the photos I took. I'll post more later. But there was Mark Blevis of Just One More Book, Alice Pope of CWIM, Dia Calhoun, Lori Ann Grover and Betsy Bird. You'll have to check out Readergirlz. But that's just the beginning. Jackie Parker, Colleen Mondor, Anastasia Suen Laini Taylor, Jen Robinson, and Sara Zarr were all there.
Now, that I've bombarded you with photos and links to check out, I'm sure you'll be busy for a bit but pop back over later and check out more.
It was an amazing conference and I still have more to go.