I went to the Hollywood Theater (Portland's Historic Nonprofit Theater) on Thursday night to listen to Susan Orlean speak about the Life and Legend of the Heroic Dog Rin Tin Tin.
I didn't remember much about him but I found out things that made me respect this animal actor even more than I did before. He was an amazing dog. No wonder Dogs are woMans best friend. Rin Tin Tin was found in France right after WWI in a bombed out dog kennel. An American solider was clearing the area when he found Rin Tin Tin in a pile with his mom and brothers and sisters. The soldier, Lee Duncan, adopted RTT and one of his sisters. He parceled out the other puppies to his soldier buddies and his captain.
I haven't read the book yet but I'll be working on that this weekend. After I finish, I'll do another post about my impressions.
If you're a dog lover or an animal activist, this might be just the book for you. It talks about the love and loyalty of animals and the legend of this one awe....mazing animal.