Wreaths are easy to make - just twine some old branches together with some wire and glue on some silk flowers and ornamental fruit, you can buy super cheap at any craft store, then add a ribbon and it's a festive decoration
It's easy to put out some flowers, hang up some masks and add a couple of creepy critters to the tables and stairs and the kids will think it's cool.
I throw some plastic bugs on the tables, some paper mice and put out a lot of orange candles and flowers.
And hang up giant spiders on the porch
Or, if you don't want to have scarey things hanging around just use colored corn and squash with some homemade potpourri.
Here are a few of my tricks for easy inexpensive decorations.
I put some hats out and add some fun fabric to tables and WAH-LAH creepy Halloween House
With paper mice peeking around, and a pumpkin sitting on top of the table - the house can look really bootiful!
How 'bout you? Any decorations hanging