Every year in the weeks leading up to Christmas, I have to make an old traditional drink:
Danish Glӧgg and here's how I make it:
1 Jug of red wine (Sangria is what I use)
1-2 apples sliced
1-2 oranges sliced
4 cinnamon sticks
1 can of frozen orange juice
1 can of frozen apple juice
(1/8 cup) Cardamom seeds
(2 slices of fresh) ginger
1 cup of raisins (soaked in rum)
cloves (1/8 cup)
(Tie spices and fruit up in cheesecloth)
Here's how I make mine:
First I pour the wine in pot and seep the spices on low heat for a couple of hours.
The entire house will benefit from the warm spicy scent and then I pull out the spice bag and serve the "spiced wine" or Danish Glӧgg in ceramic mugs with a fresh cinnamon stick for stirring.
(And when you're finished with the "spice bag" you can empty the contents in a bowl and have the ingredients serve as a holiday potpourri.)
7 months ago