I've started the trilogy and can't seem to put those books down. I loved The Hunger Games even though I never expected myself to really like it. I just never read apocalyptic stories. But, this was a great story. And then Catching Fire was good but definitely a sequel. I hated the ending. The only redeeming fact was that Mockingjay was already out and I could buy it in a heartbeat on my Kindle.
And, one thing I miss with the Kindle: covers.
Book covers. I love looking at them. The beautiful art, the colors. My Kindle is black and white. So, like I said, I do miss the book covers.
Anyway, I've nearly completed Mockingjay - in about one day.
I still didn't like the way the second book left me hanging. I felt sort of played. And, that's without having to wait to get the third book in the series.
I don't know maybe that's just me. After all, I read Catching Fire in one day.
How 'bout you? Have you read the series? What did you think about the way Catching Fire ended?
5 months ago