We're all spending more time outdoors and some of us love to be in the garden. I'm one of those people who loves to plant in the spring and fall, and . . . I just love to plant things and watch them grow. But then the pests come and attack our happy home--um, garden.
A lot of people run out and buy Round-up, or some other products to help them destroy unwanted guests, like Ivy, or aphids. But I try to look for organic alternatives, like spraying soapy water on my rose bushes. But some things aren't effective enough to cure all the problems in the flowerbeds.
But I've found a helpful link, and you can check it out here. It's called Alpha Ecological. And who wouldn't love a company called 1-800-Say-Frog. . . ? I haven't tried it-yet, but I'm going to look into it a little more. And, if you know anything about this company, please post your comments and lend us all a helping hand-in the garden. :)
7 months ago