We've been gone for days...nine, to be exact. Our trip started in Portland...we flew to Las Vegas. I know, that sounds like fun but I'm not a good flyer...I tend to get motion sick.
I hate that. Being such a wimp.
I love leaning over to look out the window on the plane and seeing all the little pretty patchworks of patterns down beneath us but watching those colors zoom past can leave me feeling queasy and ready to lose my lunch...literally. So flying from one place to another is not a great way to spend any time...at least not for me. But, once I'm at the destination, I'm enjoying myself.
How bout you...? Is there anything about traveling that you don't like? Anything that makes you feel a little queasy? Or is it all worthwhile no matter what?
7 months ago
The only thing I hate about traveling is packing up the night before to return home.
Seems you had a good time in Vegas. By contractual agreement, however, you are not allowed to tell us what happened there . . . :)
I hate it when my husband doesn't allow plenty of time to get to and through the airport.
I hate airport security and why it exists.
But otherwise, I love travel.
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