Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Red Door of Doom

Sometimes when I go for a jog, I see a door and I have to stop and sometimes I even need to snap a photo.

This red door made me wonder. . .

Who lives behind that red door...

Is it a sign of something . . .

I don't know. . .

But I thought it was pretty enough to make me stop and snap a photo

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Portland Oregon so many Places to See

I love running on Burnside. You can always find beautiful sights to see.

As I approached this entryway, I thought "that's too pretty not to take a picture."

So, I did. . . or maybe a few.

It looked like a little tunnel of trees and bushes...

Sort of like entering a doorway into another world...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Portland in Pictures

My husband and I went for a run on Saturday. This is the view of downtown Portland from the middle of the Burnside Bridge.

Portland is also known as BridgeCity and you can see why...remember, I'm standing on the Burnside Bridge while I'm taking these pictures and you can see a few of the other bridges that line our skyline.

The Cherry Blossoms are so fragrant and beautiful as you enter the city core.

From every inch of the Burnside Bridge you can see beautiful views.

What a way to spend a day...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Eggsactly what you need to celebrate Easter

It's fun and easy to make festive treats especially if you have cereal sitting in the cupboard.

If you want to make an egg shaped treat all you need is a plastic egg form. Fill it with your rice krispie treats and let them settle.

Then you can decorate them with sprinkles and/or chocolate drizzled over the top.

Then they are cute and yummy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

First Day of Spring

Spring Equinox is finally here! One way to celebrate is with a new wreath and if you have a glue gun and a couple boxes of peeps in the cupboard it's easy. All you have to do is glue the peeps and some plastic eggs on the form and wrap it with some feather boas.

All I did was take my St. Paddy's Day Wreath and add a few touches with things I had hanging around the house.

I simply wrapped a pink boa right over the green and white ones and glued on the eggs and peeps and WAH-LAH!!! Spring is here.

Word for Wednesday

WORD: Freecycle

This is such a Portland word. It represents recycling at its best, in the form of free goods. Many times when you pass through neighborhoods, you will see goods sitting on a curb with a sign that says "FREE". Anyone is welcome to take these goods home with them and to use them however they choose.

I love this new word and the meaning behind it. FREECYCLE!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Writer's Groups

We all like to talk with people who share our interests, whether it's the same book, the same music, or the same movie. But, if you're a writer, there are a few groups you might want to look into joining.

One is the SCBWI or the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators

or the RWA or the Romance Writers of America

or Willamette Writers

and there are many more. If you write in a certain genre, just google it and you'll probably come up with some great groups you can join. And, if you do, you'll most likely meet more than other'll probably make a few friends. So, what do you have to lose?