Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Movie Review - Pirates

Arrrrgh! Love Johnny Depp - he always does a great job as "Captain" Jack Sparrow. So what's not to love about an entertaining couple hours of piratesque adventure?

My favorite line of the movie was, "It's a Pirate's Life for Me".

I didn't think I'd like the mermaids but I did. They weren't too Disney for me. It was a great way to spend a holiday with the family--watching a movie that had great special effects and fun sword fights.

How 'bout you? Did you see the movie this weekend? If not, how did you enjoy your time?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Decoration Day!

Well that's what it used to be called. Today it's known as Memorial Day and we celebrate it on the last Monday of May. Really "celebrate" is a strange word because the day is meant to remember fallen military personnel. A time to stop and think of men and women who have died while in military service to the US.

It's really a somber celebration - but it also marks the start of the summer vacation season!!! With BBQs and picnics - I can only hope the weather will cooperate here in the PacNW.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and maybe stop for a moment to remember. . .

Friday, May 27, 2011

Earth-Friendly Friday

So, what do you do with extra embroidery floss? You can use it to make gifts. Just check out this pen Fatina made for me.

Sometimes you just need to think outside the . . . spool.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love Languages

Everyone has their own way of showing love. There are five languages of love:

1) Words of Affirmation, 2) Quality Time, 3) Receiving Gifts, 4) Acts of Service, and 5) Physical Touch.

This week, I've had more than my share of love shown in the form of #3. My hubby and I got one large gift, a 42" gift as a matter of fact.

It all started out so innocently. My son and his gfriend asked if we could puppy sit while they went out on a Date Night. "Sure," we said. So, they brought over their little puggle-wuggle of love and we spent a couple hours playing with the little guy.

But when Jake and Jovan came back, they showed us that their date night was really spent shopping for a new t.v. for us when they gave us this giant flat screen t.v. I told them, "this isn't going to help my diet." And, not because I'll sit on the couch instead of going outside running. Nope, the problem is I see all that food on the Food Network in giant "enhanced" portion sizes. Now, it's going to be hard for me to eat my fist-sized meals instead of supersized 42" of yummiliciousness.

Watch out cupcake wars, you're going to look like an Extreme Cake Challenge on this screen ;)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Word for Wednesday - a game for Writers

Guess what the word Sanguine means.

Take a guess

Come on play the game

Scroll down

Scroll down

Here's the answer: cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tip for Tuesday - Save the Cat

Do you ever forget to finish up a thread in your story? I do.

Do you ever get confused about aspects of your characters? I do.

Do you ever get sidelined in your story? I do.

Well here's help. Check out this link to tools for writers. Save the Cat offers a quick outline to use for your story. It's directed toward script writers but it can work for any kind of story.

If you try it, let me know what you think of it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Exer...cuse - what's yours

I love to bake and I love to eat maybe that's why I have the worst time losing weight and maybe why it always seems to wait ;) It seems I've made exercuses for years.

What's your exercuse?

In the past mine has always been, "I don't have the time." And, I know everyone has 24 hours but working moms pack a whole lot of priorities into those meager hours. I didn't start working out seriously until my kids went off to college. Now, I've taken back up running. I used to love to run--when I was young but for about 20 years it was all about the kids.

When my hubby and I started running again, almost one year ago, we'd run a block--walk a block. Now, I've been training for a half-marathon for about 8 months. I was really thinking I was getting in shape. Yeah, right.

Friday I took the day off from work and went and played tennis with my hubby. In fact, our first date back in 1979 was playing tennis at UofO. I even taught tennis back in college to help pay my tuition. So, I could play all day long and never get least that's the way I remember it ;)

BUT, after playing 5 games (not five sets--a big difference) with my hubby on Friday, I was worn out. I'm still sore a couple of days later. I thought I was getting in good shape... I was wrong. I'm getting to be a decent runner but I obviously need to mix things up a whole lot more to work out other areas of my body. In fact, I didn't run Friday or Saturday...(here's my new exercuse) I was just too sore.

So, what's your exercuse? Are you training for anything or making excuses not to go out and 'just do it'?