Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Friday, February 18, 2011


Most women love shoesand purses, and makeup.

Not me.

I was the quintessential Tom-Boy growing up. With four big brothers, I was more into skateboarding than shoes and punching than purses. And, I HATED wearing dresses.

I remember sneaking pants to school like some people sneak alcohol (in a brown paper bag) then slipping into the bathroom to change so Mom wouldn’t find out.

Yeah, I was sneaky and sly when it came to clothing but not because I wanted to show any skin.

God forbid.

I wanted to cover up and hide that moon-white epidermis. So, I’ve never had any worries of being accused of being a fashionista. It could never happen.

For one thing, I’m more familiar with flats than fashion and minivans than makeup. So, it shouldn’t be any surprise that when I wore (what I thought were) my “cute” kitten heels to work and told my friend Cristy, “Look I’m dressed up—and even wearing heels.” She laughed a little and said those aren’t high heels. They're more like training (w)heels.

So, now I’ll be known as the old lady who wears training heels around the office but maybe that’s better than flats, don’t ask me. I’m no authority. In fact, I’m a little surprised I’ve never been turned into WHAT NOT TO WEAR. The fashion police could have a field day in my closet. And, I could definitely be in the running for a Mom Gone Wrong segment.

And, like I said, “I definitely have no fear of ever being labeled a fashionista.” I’m just hoping I don’t hit a bump in the rode, when I’m walking, and fall over on my training (w)heels.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here's a question for all you math-minded folks out there.Question:

At what point does fahrenheit equal celsius?

Take a guess....

Now scroll down for the answer


And further

Answer: -40 degrees.

You have to know the formula to figure out how to convert celsius to fahrenheit. Most of us haven't done algebra for a while but it's: Fahrenheit = Celsius X 9/5 + 32.

Or t(F) = t(C)x 9/5 +32

t-9t/5 = 32
-4t/5 = 32
t= -40 (so that's the temperature where t(F) = t(C)x 9/5 + 32

EZ Smeazy

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Answer to Word for Wedneday

I hope you flexed that most important muscle -- yeah, your brain and played along. And, if you're Scottish, maybe you already know what it means because it comes from the Gaelic term car "to twist" and fuffle which means "to disarrange".

Kurfuffle means chaos, commotion, disorder

and it can be spelled a couple different ways: carfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle

Want to read more, check it out here.

Word for Wednesday - a game for Writers

Come on out and us what you're made of word-wise ;)

Put your guess in the "comments" section then come back at 3:00 to see
if you were "write" or wrong :)


What does it mean?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hate, Hate, Hate

I HATE spending money on clothes - always have.
I HATE having clothes that don't fit properly
I HATE never finding the material/fabric and textures that I want to wear

Besides clothes are so ridiculously expensive I just can't get over the markup.
Even when I was young and in a scholarship pageant (yes--I had to try to come up with the money to go to college), I wore a homemade dress.

So, Jovan (my son's gfriend) wanted to help me make a dress form - and we did - so I could make my own clothes.

Here's how we did it using an old shirt and duct tape.

First I picked out an old shirt.

Then we started duct taping it.

I think I'm saying, "Hey watch where you're putting that duct tape."
After one layer was finished
We put on a second layer of duct tape, using white duct tape so we could see where we'd already put the tape. I was getting tired standing for so long (maybe because it was 11:30 p.m. or maybe because I'm just getting old) but it was worth it. We ran out of white duct tape but thought we had enough layers already so
then we cut off the duct taped shirt
Then we stuffed the shirt with newspaperand sealed the bottom with paper and tape. We used black duct tape to seal up the top portion so the paper wouldn't fall out. Then I made my own pattern off of one of my favorite dresses.
And started sewing
I had to adjust the shoulder seams and take it in on the sides, but it is a whole lot easier to get a good fit when you use a dress form that is made to your body.
And, I'm not model but here's how it came out (and I even had enough material to make a scarf)
I also tried using the scarf as a belt and a cummerbund for another look

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is Like Beauty - it's deep inside

I wanted to show Love Lays Deep in the Heart - I wanted to show it by making a cake with a heart hidden deep inside. I got the idea from a cyber friend. She's making the cake for her hubby.

But here's how I did it.

First I baked five cakes, four white cakes and one red one.

Then we hollowed out the centers, making one with a point and the other two with two rounded sides.

Then I filled it with the red cake.

Then I frosted the cake
And served it- yummy!

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with love and yummy treats!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oregon Goes Green(er)

Portland might be the city of roses, and it may be the season of love and wearing red but Oregon is definitely coming out all green and I'm not talking about leprechauns. We have bikes galore, MAX, recycling centers and stations everywhere. So what more can we do?

We may be the first state to ban plastic bags. Read all about it here. So, what do you think? Are you a bag toting shopper? What do you think of banning the plastic bags?