CHAOTIC TIMES - READ the Bible with Us for Peace

Join Us As We Read Through the Bible This Year

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Lies, Trickery & Deception

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Ai Destroyed

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Joshua 7 - Greed, Theft & Punishment

Reading the Bible- Talking about Atlantis, Math & More

Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Answer to Thought for Thursday

Answer: Paul

Thought for Thursday

Thought: Joe DiMaggio and his brothers all shared the same middle name. What middle name was it?

Take a guess - put it in the comments and then come back at 3:00 to see.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Answer to Word for Wednesday

Answer: Of or pertaining to gems. If you want to see it for yourself, check it out here.

Thanks for playing.

Word for Wednesday

Word: Gemmary

Take a guess, what do you think it means?

Put your answer in the comments - please.

Come back at 3:00 to see.

Thanks for playing along with me. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Fall is finally here.

Have you ever wondered what you might have hiding outside in your yard?

Just look around your garden. You might be surprised what you find. I'm sure you'll find a few hidden (or, not-so-hidden personalities) lurking about.

Sometimes, when I'm outside, I get that funny feeling. The frog-fur on the nape of my neck stands up. A chill runs down my spine. And I have that sixth sense - somebody's watching me.

I turn around. Someone is peeking at me from out of the bushes. I'll pull back a leaf and find a pumpkin, hopefully, with a friendly face.

This little guy made his way into my house. He's a Hubbard squash I had sitting on the table. A couple of artichokes were keeping him company on the platter.

I don't know why but I kept getting that funny feeling that someone was watching me. Then I looked closer and had to laugh-a little, then a lot.

I had the last laugh too 'cause I baked that little guy.

I have to share the recipe. It's quick, EZ and oh so yummy.

Slice the squash into sections.

Pour a little (microwave) melted butter over the "meat" of the squash and sprinkle with brown sugar - maybe, even add a little maple syrup.

Bake in the oven at 450 for about 45 minutes to an hour (depending on the size of the squash). It will be soft, sweet and oh so tasty. Nothing could be easier and as yummy as this little garden guy.

Monday, September 21, 2009


My husband and I have shared a lot over the years. We even share our birthdays. Maybe that's why we've been so happy together for so many years.

Here's a tribute to the years we've spent together and the memories . . .

Multnomah Falls
Grand Canyon
Washington DC
Family Photo
Boys in Bed
Fun Cycles
Jacob getting school award
Lars helping Jake tie his first tie
Lars, Luke and Jake
Top of the Twin Tower
Wedding Weekend
Kids in the pool

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Okay, I know most kids go back to school after Labor Day. My daughter even started her junior year at Warner Pacific College back in August. But my son went back to the University of Oregon just yesterday. School doesn't start at UofO until September 28th but he has a job and an orientation meeting for the new staff. Plus, he has to get his apartment ready for the new year.

So we helped Luke move back into his apartment, which is right across the street from Hayward field, a pretty prime location for the University of Oregon. I should know because I lived in Douglas dorm my freshman year (you can see the dorm I lived in, 30 years ago, in the first picture). That was before Hayward looked so fancy. But it seems like life repeats itself. Here's to Luke's senior year at UofO!!! Hope he'll have loads of fun 'cause we're going to miss him.

So that's my official END to summer and it's raining :(

I know it's Portland, Oregon and there's a reason we're called The Ducks - webfeet and rain go hand-in-hand but I just wasn't ready for the rain - yet. Guess it's time to get ready for fall and accept the fact that the kids are back at school :(